new puppy need serious help!!?
2008-01-06 14:52:03 UTC
ok my husband bougth a puppy at the flea market ( $25)a akita/german shepherd she is in pretty bad shape, she is covered in fleas and really young. she is also really pale (gums). she went pooty normal she doesnt have diareah and she eats good and drinks fine. she is sopoused to be 6 or 7 weeks ( i know she is really young but they weren't taking care of them [like 7 of them ]properly, so i think shes better with me). i think she may have worm because she has that pot belly look although i havent seen any worms.. but since she is so pale i asume she may have worms (it could have also been the fleas, she had a lot!!! and she also has a little hair loss in some areas because of the fleas,) i gave her a bath but since she is so young i don't know what to use to get ride of the fleas... also i have a pomeraninan puppy (12 weeks) do you think the new puppy may be dangerous to the pom like parvo.. or something? im taking her to the vet tomorow but should i keep the puppys separated? could ..
42 answers:
Jennifer T
2008-01-06 15:13:29 UTC
Keep them totally seperated. No one touches your pom pup until they have washed and sanitized their hands and clothes. No one wears their shoes aornd the pom if they have been near the new puppy. Goodness only knows what the new puppy could have, and things like parvo are hugely transmissible. Since it is too late to NOT buy the puppy, you have to try to eliminate the risks to the pup you already have. Remind hubby that though his heart is good, buying that puppy means those same people will breed more puppies to neglect until they are old enough to get a few bucks from at the flea market. I hope she isn't the cause of major heartbreak for your family. Good luck.
2008-01-06 15:46:39 UTC
You will be rewarded in some way throughout your life for your act of kindness towards this poor dog, you've both saved her from a life of misery, maybe even death! For a bad flea infestation such as you describe, she will need an injection from a vet to prevent anemia ( fleas can cause this in dogs if there are too many and it can get serious! ) and she will also need a flea treatment to be given at home such as Advantage ( i think its the best around ). Its a liquid that you apply to their shoulders. Pot bellies in pups is a classic sign of worms and the sooner you treat her for this the better. The shop bought worming tablets are just as good as the ones your vet will give you, is your local store still open? If it is go along and get a pack, you can hide the tablet in a treat but take the box with you tomorrow, the vet may want to look at its ingredients if he/she is giving other medication. To be on the safe side i would keep this dog away from your other pup, you never know do you? Its a great sign that she's eating and drinking ok, pale gums could well be anemia but if its treated early ( which it will be! ) with iron tablets it shouldn't be a big problem. The vet will give your puppy its injections for parvo and treat it for worms and fleas then hopefully, she'll be on the right road. She was on the right road when your husband found her eh? Lucky girl she is. Feed her little and often until her little belly gets used to such good food, don't give her red meat as its too rich right now but cooked, minced chicken breast with plain boiled rice will do her the world of good. Bless you for giving her a good home, wouldn't this world be a nicer place if there were more like you and your husband around? Take care and i hope everything turns out well for you all x
2008-01-06 16:21:47 UTC
First off, if your new pup is actually sick, she has already exposed your Pom to any virus. I hope your Pom is current on her vaccinations. If she had parvo she would be real lethargic and throwing up yellow/green bile (tummy acid)

Second, use a PUPPY flea shampoo. Wash her up real good and do a second bath the follwing day. You would not see worms in her poo yet cause they don't come out until they are dead. (they look like spaghetti when they come out) You most likely have a flea and worm problem. The worms are absorbing all the nutrients in the food and the fleas are sucking her dry...thus the pale gum problem. Worm her and bathe her and she should be better in a couple days.

I know your hubby meant well, but you always have to protect the pets you already have at home before bringing home a new one. Hope all goes well!
2008-01-06 15:02:31 UTC
The poor pup is probably being eaten alive by the fleas that's why she is so pale. Yes keep the dogs separated until the new pup is checked out by your vet and you are given the go head to let them meet. Your new pup probably never was wormed either. Your local pet store should be able to advise you on what kind of shampoo would be good to use on a puppy. Good luck and I hope the fleas are the only problem this puppy has.
2008-01-06 14:57:37 UTC
I'm glad you 'rescued' her and are concerned. keep the dogs seperated, as far as you know this new dog may not even have shots. The vet can answer most of your questions tomorrow, of course. Very young puppies tend to have potbelly look but i don';t know how long that last . I use an oatmeal dog shampoo to bathe my dogs. It's skin could already be irritated from the fleas, so make sure you use a good kind. You may even want to tell the vet where you got this pupp if he is concerned he may help the other dogs, too...He may tell the local SPCA. Make sure your pom is up to date on her shots, now, too, around this new dog.

border than cardboard - the longer the question, the more details, the better others can help. Often people don't put enough info into there questions, actually.
2008-01-06 15:02:27 UTC
You can use dawn dish soap to get rid of the fleas. Lather the puppy up, wait a couple of minutes, then rinse. Safe for the puppy. Definitely keep them separated, and don't handle the pom after handling the other puppy unless you sanitize your hands. I hope that your pom has had at least a couple of vaccinations....hopefully that will help protect it if the new puppy is sick. But I would guess (not a vet....not claiming to be) the pale gums are probably like you suspect, from parasites, either internal, external, or both.
2008-01-06 15:00:37 UTC
My vet recommends Dawn dish detergent to wash. Then comb the flees out. She may be too sick for a bath. Just get a cup with warm water and dawn and use a comb. It can take a long time to get all of the fleas. For really pale gums she may be anemic. Try giving her plenty of fluids and get as many fleas off as possible. I would keep the other pup away from the new pup until the vet says that it's OK.

Figure out who sold the pet and report them. Clearly the pups were neglected. This person should be held responsible for the suffering this little gal is going through.

She is definitely better with you. Stay with her as much as possible and give her comfort. Good Luck
Laticia M
2008-01-06 15:14:59 UTC
your puppy needs to be taken to the vet to be de-wormed as well as treated for the fleas. the hair loos could also be due to mange, which causes them to itch and makes their skin flaky. in order to treat this, the vet will give them a multivitamin treatment once a month until it clears up, which obviously depends on the situation. u also need to make sure the puppies vaccinations are started, which is critical right now. and dont feel bad that u got it at a flea market, thats good! i recently got two beautiful little puppies for free. the lady had found them a few weeks ago, starved and in bad condition. she fed them and got them wormed and started their vaccinations. but she had too many animals at home and wanted to find them a good owner. i love them! they still have a lil bit of mange but it is clearing and they are perfectly healthy, so there is hope. but u do need to get the vaccinations done, because they really shouldnt even be around other animals when they havnt recieved all of their shots.
♥Golden gal♥
2008-01-06 15:00:48 UTC
Pale gum usually mean the dog is anemic. Probably because it has been so flea infested. I'd make that a top priority.

I would not let the new pup near your other dogs at all. Even though her poop looks normal doesn't mean it is. She could have anything.

I'd get the pup into the vets tomorrow no later ok. If you handle the pup wash your hands before and after doing so.
2008-01-06 15:04:46 UTC
I would definatly keep your dogs seperated until you can get your new one to the vet tomorow, especially if your 12 week old doesn't have all his shots. your vet will test the new dogs stool for worms and perscribe a flea medication. you will need to treat both pups for fleas and possably your house. if your new pup stops eating or becomes lethargic I would reccomend taking your pup to an emergancy vet today. white gums can be a sign of severe anema. also, pick up the new pups poop as soon as he goes. if he has worms, your other puppy could catch them if he gets into the poop. good luck
2008-01-06 15:21:12 UTC
Keep them separated. Yes

And it is really good of you to want to take good care of this puppy.

You can deworm her to give her a jump start, but the worms and fleas will come back in two weeks if you don't change her diet.

there are some people who believe in Packaged dog food.

But nothing is more wholesome that when you make it yourself, if you know how.

I have rescued many German Shepherds in very bad shape by feeding them the following formula: She will love you for it.

Add following items to her diet.

Give her some 1/2 cooked whole grain rice or millet or barley and 2-cups more or less of raw ground beef. To this add one tablespoon of fish oil, either cod liver or salmon.

Add 1/2 tsp of powdered lecithin, some ground flax , some ground sesame seeds,

a grated carrot or beet or broccoli and mix up well.

and last but not least 2 tablespoons of brewers yeast.

It a few weeks, you will have a new dog.

You can substitute raw ground beef for slightly cooked beef hearts, beef kidney, chicken hearts, chicken gizzards,, ground turkey.

You can occassionally give them these items uncooked.

There is a school of thought that dogs need some parasites to digest their food and more.

But Vets will tell you to kill them all.

The jury is still out on this.

If her skin in raw, make a 5% boric acid solution and dab her skin with some cotton cloth dipped into this solution. This will also kill the flease and mites and ticks and is helpful to get rid of mange.

The Vet will use Ivermectin to get rid of her paracites. but I guarantee you they will return as soon as she swallows aonther flea.
2008-01-06 14:58:33 UTC
I think the new puppy is likely very dangerous to have around your Pom.. She comes from who knows where, has been given probably no shots, no wormer or taken to the vet. People who sell puppies at the flea market for $25. Do not take care of their puppies. Hopefully your Pom is up to date on her vaccinations? I would keep them apart as much as humanly possible.
2008-01-06 14:57:30 UTC
I would take the puppy to the vet asap! Your pom may be able to catch anything that the new dog has so I would keep them separated. I adopted a dog this summer who also had spots where the hair was gone and the vet told us that it was because of poor nutrition and a parasite that attacks their coat. I would get the dog checked out asap!
2008-01-06 15:00:50 UTC
Keep her warm put her in a box cardboard with a heating pad under it and enough room to get off the pad if need be keep it on low keep the box out of drafts keep her away from your other dog the fleas may have really made her sick and have a loss of blood,make sure she has fresh water keep her hydrated and take her to the vet tomorrow do not put the water in the box with pad on or if you do not have a heating pad use a hot water bottle she needs to be warm she is so young that she can not regulate her on temperature.put a blanket in the box also. I will pray fro you and the pup Martha
Sid B
2008-01-06 15:05:43 UTC
First and foremost: Don't panic

Keeping them apart isn't a bad idea for now.

The puppy is too young for anti flea meds. However any shampoo even baby shampoo. Will get rid of lots of the fleas. If your seeing the vet tomorrow great.

Pale gums may be natural.

Swollen stomach may be from malnutrition.

Feed it love it keep it warm. Personally I'd risk a few flea bites myself. I can wash my sheets etc later and but up with itching for a few days.

BTW congratulations you are good people in world with too few.
They call me ... Trixie.
2008-01-06 14:55:37 UTC
I would definitely keep the dogs separated until you the get an OK from the vet.

Come on, people, she already said she was taking the new puppy to the vet tomorrow. She just wants to know if she should keep the puppy away from her current dog. If you're not going to read the entire question why bother to answer?
ms. elle
2008-01-06 15:01:14 UTC
well if u bought her from the flea market for that price, its most likely in pretty bad shape to begin with. take her to the vet asap and hope for the best. and yes, keep her away from your other pomeranian puppy until the other puppy gets all her shots and vaccinations.

2008-01-06 15:49:16 UTC
definately keep them seperated.

The pale gums could and are probably from low blood due to what the fleas have eaten she is probably anemic.

I would strongly suggest an emergency vet. If she has lost that much blood she may not make it.
2008-01-06 14:59:06 UTC
Keep the the new puppy away from everything, includingyourself, the fleas may be carring something nasty. And don't forget fleas can JUMP!! Stay clear from it put in a large box with plenty of holes, so it can breath, and put water and food in the box to. The fleas could be the problem.
Lisa M
2008-01-06 14:59:16 UTC
The new puppy could have some effect on the would have to look up if worms are contagious. If you havent cured the new pups fleas you should now because those are contagious. So look up your pups condition maybe or worms to see if they are contagious. I dont know if you should keep them seperated or not....(hoped that helped. prolly not)
2008-01-06 14:58:05 UTC
Just keep them seperate for now... If you think she might be sick, its better to keep them seperated and be safe... than to put them together and find out both your dogs are sick in the end. Even if you're not sure she's sick, you're better safe than sorry. And if you're bringing her to the vet, then you don't have too much to worry about.
2008-01-06 14:58:24 UTC
i suggest you take that puppy to the vet right away. buying a dog like that, no matter how sorry you feel for it, is just supporting the breeder. i could be risk risk to your other puppy as well. hope it gets better!
2008-01-06 14:57:59 UTC
Awwwwwwwwww thats sad. Who would let a dog get that bad in shape?!?! That makes me want to cry!!!!!!!! I guess you should take the doggie to the vet and hope for the best. I that she will be ok and everything.
Dog Section Regular
2008-01-06 14:55:12 UTC
Keep them separated. You don't know what this new pup has that could pass on to your current dog.

Clean everything like crazy, and make sure your current dog is UTD on all vaccinations.
Meredith L
2008-01-06 14:56:26 UTC
Take them both to the vet tomorrow to be on the safe side and I would keep them apart tonight. Good luck!!
2008-01-06 14:57:05 UTC
the new puppy could just be anemic if you've already given the new puppy a bath then don't give it another but I would have given it a sensitive shampoo for fleas. keep them seperated until tomorrow just to be sure. but make sure that they still get to see eachother. give her plenty of water
2008-01-06 14:56:55 UTC
I'd keep them separated or go to a emergancy vet. The new puppy dosen't sound very well. Did the seller say anything aBout them?? Why did you choose this partiucular one? Maybe he/she was the runt??


2008-01-06 14:55:38 UTC
I would keep them apart until after you take the nw one to the vets. If Parvo, it is very contagious. good luck
2008-01-06 15:00:28 UTC
take her to the vet!! and then get her a flea bath
2008-01-06 14:57:49 UTC
look in your local directory for a 24 hour pet hospital

make sure the puppy drinks lots of water

good luck with everything, i hope she gets better
2008-01-06 14:56:49 UTC
Just let it sleep then take it to the vet. They will probably give it medicine and that should help it feel better.
Christine G
2008-01-06 14:58:37 UTC
i would until you take the puppy to the vet
2008-01-06 14:55:15 UTC
at the flea market? ya she might have heart worms check her out immediatley

my first puppy past away like that :[ Rex
2008-01-06 14:56:50 UTC
if you cant get it to a vet right away, try getting it flea shampoo.

they have it at like petsmart and petco and places like that.

good luck. =]]
2008-01-06 14:55:45 UTC
Ummmm you dont buy dogs a FLEA! market for 25$ smart one thats why it has so many problems with it cause the people selling it to you wanted to sell the dog cause they new it was sick
2008-01-06 14:54:11 UTC
take it to the vet asap.
2008-01-06 14:56:49 UTC
both pups will need to go to vet ASAP,, tomorrow morning..

and by the way HE PAID??? whats up with that.??????

tell him i have a bridge for sale
2008-01-06 14:56:59 UTC
unless you want both of your puppies to get seriously ill and probably die GO TO THE VET!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-01-06 14:58:34 UTC
idk...but i do know u really....really have to bring it to da vet...asap
2008-01-06 14:55:46 UTC
i would try a VET
2008-01-06 14:56:09 UTC
take now
2008-01-06 14:54:44 UTC
idk. call the dog wisperer.

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