Ohhh this looks like fun!
Alright..... lets get to it!
Favorite dog breed: Don't have a fave, but I pretty much love mutts, and all the shepherds (German, Australian, Belgian ect.)
favorite cat breed: Probably.... Ragdoll and Tortoiseshells and.... British Short hairs.
favorite animal: DOGS!
favorite pet food to feed dog or cats: Royal Cannon!
favorite toys your pets like to play with: My arm, my legs, my general body parts! Oh and each other.
favorite thing to do with your cat or dog: Take em' for a drive! Play! Swim!
favorite game to play with your cat or dog: See who get run fastest at parks, and see how long it takes my cats to get tired of the red dot laser... (Never ending!!)
Ok... this one might be confusing.. I've got lots of pets...
name: Benji, Gypsy, Natasha, Sophie, Ducky, Spike, Rio, Dorathy, Jay, Dovie.
age: 12yr, 5yr, 2yr, 8mth, 6mth, 6mth, 1mth, 5mth, 4mth, 3yr.
breed: Maltese/Pomeranian, Malamute/Bull Mastiff, Mixed Cat breed, Russian Blue cross??, Budgie, budgie, budige all are budgie's except Dovie who is a dove!
species:Dog, Dog, Cat, Cat, Bird, bird bird birdbird birdbird! lol
gender: Male, Female, Female, Female, Female, Male, Female, Female, Female, Male.
likes: Growling, Howling and knocking things over, EATING, Playing! Flying, Eating, Cuddling with me, Playing with annoying bell toy, Climbing on ceiling fan (when off) and going on cage ceiling, talking to wild birdies.
dislikes: Strangers, Cucumber, Sophie, Natasha, tomato, bath, most fruits, me holding her, stray cats who go up to his cage.
food: They like or I feed them?
treats: Millet for the birds, Smackoes for the dogs, these kitty things I buy from the pet store, not sure what they are called but they go crazy!