What are the possible causes of muscle spasms in dogs?
2005-12-11 01:33:50 UTC
What are the possible causes of muscle spasms in dogs?
Four answers:
2005-12-11 09:12:37 UTC
Muscle spasms can be caused by any number of things, the most serious of which is a neurological problem. If the spasms are enough to make you worry, I'd suggest taking him to a vet. There could be medication to take care of the problem.
2005-12-11 09:38:29 UTC
The dog does this while he's awake or asleep?

If its while he's asleep, its probably just a dream. If its while he's awake, id say its probably because of dehydration. More of a guess than anything since you didnt supply much detail, but its a common thing for dogs. Give him lots of water and some food.
Alan Winans
2005-12-11 15:34:09 UTC
Electrical shock
2005-12-11 09:46:51 UTC
not getting enough exersize laying to much

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