To your knowledge,in what states are pit bulls illegal,and how do you feel about it.?
Coo Bird
2006-06-29 11:15:15 UTC
Do you think they should be illegal and why...or are you pro-pitt bull,as i am
Twelve answers:
2006-06-29 11:46:47 UTC have gotten me on my soap box this morning!I have 18 american pit bull terriers and they are greatest dog anyone could ever own.The ones that the media always shows are attacking people are usually not even pure bred or quality bred pit bull terriers.Most are mixed with something else.No properly bred pit bull terrier should EVER be people agressive unless trainned by people with the thug mentality to be so.Lets face it...what the pit was originally bred for was for bull baiting and pit fighting.This means that they MUST NOT be human agressive or how would the handler in the pit with them be able to handle them during a fight?Common sense.And unfortunately the pit bull fighting ring is still very much in place.You would be shocked at how much dog fighting actually goes on.I am a breeder of 25 years and I give a warranty on my dogs temperment.My dogs WILL NOT turn or be agressive to any human EVER unless trainned by an ignorant human to be so.What happens is....these idiots that still fight these awesome dogs will interbred them to make them genecticly nuts as they think they will fight better in the pits and they might keep the best 4 pups out of the litter and then sell the rest to John Q. Public,never telling them that they had interbred them for fighting.Then your neoighbor has bought a $150 pit from the newspaper and when they reach 8 months old,they have 60 pounds of killing machine.Always remember that you get what you pay for.Find a reputable breeder that gives a warranty and look at their adult dogs and see if they are friendly and easy going.Noooooo,I don't believe in breed specific banning.THats not fair at all to punish the good dogs for a few bad owners.Any dog that has teeth is capable of biting.The press just seems to ALWAYS report on pit bull attacks but what about all other breeds that attack just as often.The most viscoius dog I have ever seen was a 4 pound chihuahua.My two year old grandson has been babysat by a female pit bull terrier since he was born.She got milk to feed the baby when he came home from hospital.Pleaseeeee anyone that reads these posts,rethink your opinion on this magnificent breed,please come to my kennel and meet my dogs,you'll be in love instantly.
Julie B
2006-06-29 11:24:10 UTC
I dont' think they're outlawed in any States, but individual cities and communities have outlawed them. My Homeowner's Association doesn't allow pit bulls or rottweilers in the community. I think it's kind of sad, but understandable. Those kinds of dogs are responsible for a lot of attacks, but many people believe it's due to irresponsible ownership and lack of training, combined with the notion that many people who are more concerned with having a "tough" dog than being a good owner tend to gravitate towards the bully breeds. It's just too difficult and expensive for cities to try and police these owners, beyond dog licensing. So it's easier for them to ban the breed altogether. If more pit-bull owners would take responsibility for their dog's behavior and temperament, this wouldn't have to happen.
2006-06-29 11:41:43 UTC
I do not know which states make pit bulls illegal. I feel pit bulls should be legal in every state. I feel those who fight pit bulls should be put to sleep just like the pit bulls they use to fight are. Yes, dogs will fight to protect. Dogs do not fight for money. Kill the people who use them for fighting
Jan H
2006-06-29 12:25:02 UTC
It is wrong. The individual not the breed should be held accountable.

In the right situation a fatal attack could be done by ANY BREED. Fact: "October 2000 death of a 6-week-old baby, which was killed by her family's Pomeranian dog...The baby's uncle left the infant and the dog on a bed while the uncle prepared her bottle in the kitchen. Upon his return, the dog was mauling the baby, who died shortly afterwards. ("Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog," Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000 , Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)"

How many places ban Pomeranians because of the actions of some that bite and a record of at least one being a fatality? How about a LabradorXBasset - also involved in a fatal attack. Mixed breeds have done fatal one is banning mutts.

There are more trips statistically to the ER from baseball injuries than dog bites - but no one is banning baseball.

According to

Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are involved in over 50% of dog attacks.

There is an 80% chance that a biting dog is male.

Dog bites occur more frequently during the summer months, on weekends and holiday

65% of all bites take place while the animal is being fed, played with, teased, abused, or separated from another dog.

These statistics from an insurance company shows that males during the summer (more people around) are more likely to bite but the majority of bites happen when being TEASED, played with, ABUSED, FED or breaking up a fight. The CDC found "They found that at least 25 breeds of dogs had been involved in the fatal attacks."

" Examples among children included .. a boy aged 4 years who was bitten on the lip by a dog that was guarding her pups; and a girl aged 3 years who was bitten on the face when trying to take food away from the family dog." Where were the parents? ANY DOG feeling her pups or food is threatened especially a dominant breed can bite. Chows are often mentioned in both bites and fatal bites but not in breed bans.

One study out of Denver (which banned pits) showed unregistered dogs overwhelmingly were more apt to be biters - yet it's not illegal to own an unregistered dog. They've found an increase in bites from German Shepherds and Chows as well as Akitas and Collies...yes "Lassie". They aren't yet banned anywhere. most also had little training...TRAINING (statisticly) makes a difference.

The dogs that do good things...they aren't recognized. With the uproar of pits in Denver isn't it ironic that if something were to happen there - many explosive dogs, K9s, search and rescue dogs etc are PIT BULLS. They are banned in Denver.

"Nev is a working explosives dog for the Washington State Patrol, the states premiere law enforcement agency. He regularly screens vehicles on the Washington State ferry system - currently rated the United States most "at risk" transportation system. He is also called upon to do such varied tasks as search for spent bullet casings at crime scenes and respond to bomb threats." (This dog was slated to be put to death in Ontario Canada due to a breed ban - he'd never done anything wrong other than being a pit)

Another was found in a "refrigerator on a back porch of a house in Buffalo, New York during a drug bust. ... inside was a pit bull puppy wrapped in a black plastic bag. The pup was near death..Popsicle, as he was named, became one of an elite few accepted for training at the school in Front Royal, VA. ...To give you an idea of how “elite” the dogs must be, of 500 dogs tested by Barr in three years, only four made the cut...Popsicle finding 3,075 pounds of cocaine in a pineapple filled truck at the Mexican border-the biggest drug bust ever at the Hidalgo, Texas, port of entry."

There's a lot of good dogs out there too - they don't get the headlines.
2016-08-30 10:55:23 UTC
No, your fears aren't foolish. Each certainly one of them has its possess man or woman temperament. My husband raised pit bulls. Some of them have been loving, a few weren't. Some might idiot you into considering they have been imply and weren't. Anything that's smaller than they're, they are going to bully. If you are not able to seem one within the eyes with out it barking, then be very cautious of it. One clutter we had attacked the runt of the clutter and nearly killed it if I had no longer long past out and grabbed it. They are simply too one-of-a-kind in nature to believe them. I have in no way been fearful of a pit bull besides for one, and he had a real killer intuition. This dialogue got here up earlier than on right here, and I used to be derided for announcing this. I ultimately instructed the man or woman that I had larger matters to do day-to-day than to talk about pit bulls together with her, however consider me, I recognize what I am speakme approximately. They have killed too many youngsters and attacked too many men and women to believe them.
2006-06-29 11:51:27 UTC
Of course they should not be, bans do not work, the thugs will still get them or some other breed.

As far as the post about not caring. EVERYONE should care! YOUR breed is but a bite away from being on a list somewhere! Many breeds are banned or restricted somewhere, incuding Frenchies, Huskies, Keeshonds, etc.

You have a higher chance of getting struck by lightening than getting killed by a PB. A kid has a much higher chance of getting killed by their parents than by a PB.

I don't have PBs, but I can see how dangerous these lists are to ALL dogs. We should ALL CARE!

BTW - HUNDREDS of nice family pets have been killed in Denver since their ban went into effect, another City in Ohio (Cinncinati?) has also killed many family pets. Ya, guess what, the thugs aren't running in to comply with the law. DUH!!!
2006-06-29 12:16:53 UTC
In a way they should then in a way the shouldn't but mostly they shouldn't. They should because when a dog fights once he mos likely wants to fight more and more and that makes them aggressive and they could become aggressive around young kids and other animals but many people don't fight them (ME!!!) and they are for company or protection but like I said it should be then it shouldn't.

Tonight @ 10 on News channel 12 they're talking about the banning of pitbulls.
2006-06-29 12:03:31 UTC
Superbly put jade8531. Everything you said is 100% truth, I couldn't improve on it at all. I have 3 and they are the most gentle sweet tempered animals I have ever owned. People should listen to folks that have a good representation of the breed, they are the ones who truly know.
2006-06-29 11:17:59 UTC
save a cowboy ride a pit bull
2006-06-29 11:18:38 UTC
California is illegal I think, and I don't care. I had pitbulls but I didn't like a single one of them, they were all stupid. One was mean, one was retarded but not mean but she didn't listen, and one was nice and listened and then one day just became mean bossy and didn't listen. I wouldn't mind them being illegal here so my brother can't get them anymore. I like dogs, I had 3 rottweilers and a pitbull rottweiler mix (the retarded one). I don't want them killed they just need to have better owners.
2006-06-29 11:23:24 UTC
i HATE the idea of making all pit bulls illegal!!!!!! it's not fair. just because some of them are crazy and mean doesn't mean they all are.
2006-06-29 11:20:04 UTC
In Miami-Dade county In south Florida these dogs are illegal.. i have seen that they are a little aggressive.. I dont think i would have one.. but i do think they are a beautiful breed. All animals are beautiful mostly canines though!!

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