Rescue Puppy possibly ill?
2009-03-18 04:49:18 UTC
We got a new puppy a few weeks ago, a GSD/Husky and I'm starting to worry that she may be ill. She has been with us just over 2 weeks now, and when she first came to us she was doing solid stools, but we changed her food 2 weeks ago now and ever since shes not stopped getting diahhrea! It's really stressing us out as she goes about 4-5times in the night, and obviously outside its disgusting to clean up. She was previously on pedigree, but she was undernourished enough without being fed that rubbish, so now shes on a high protein ect kibble, fresh meats mixed with natural yoghurt. She has bulked up, put on alot of muscle mass and is now nearly the size she should be for her age. She is full of energy, constantly running about and loves her walks. There seems to be nothing else wrong apart from this damn diahhrea. Shes maybe passed 3 solid stools in the past 2 weeks, and shes going all the time. The vet put it down to the diet change (but she was in full support of getting her straight off the tins!) and put her on a 24hour controlled starvation as there was blood in her stools and theres been none since. She's got a healthy appetite, drinking lots of water, nothing else seems to be wrong - am I just over worried because of her background? She is also very nervous, when left alone and she sees one of us again, her tail wags so hard her whole body moves lol! She also 'hugs' which seems like an insecurity, where she grabs onto an arm of a leg, literally 'hugging' with her front paws...she's doing it less now but also worrying if the diahhrea is from this nervousness.

P.S. She was a rescue puppy, we got her at about 6 weeks and she was in an awful state, you could see every bone, she had kennel cough (it hasn't been medicated as they didn't want to give her any drugs in her state, and it's almost completely cleared up now) and scars all over her body and clumps of hair missing - just so you know and no-one suggests speaking to the breeder!
Ten answers:
Jayse Ö Think before you breed
2009-03-22 02:39:50 UTC
Well from what you say, this p[oor puppy has not had a very good start in lied at all, so it's no wonder that it may take several weeks to get the puppy's health and metabolic balance back in good shape.

I agree with others that and dairy products may not be a good idea. You can get a non-dairy probiotic, human grade, in capsule from from good health food stores. These should be kept in a refrigerator and will have more good gut bacteria than a bucketful of yoghurt could, so that may help.

Also, do make sure that she is not compromised with parasitic worms by gaving a stool sample examined by the vet.

Even though she has already undergone some dietary challenges and changed diet, if she were min I would get her onto a Raw Meaty Bone diet. I woluld want her on a totally species (canine) specific natural diet and not feed anything that is not natural to a dog, which includes all dairy products, all cereals, and that includes rice. Rice is a very good invalid food as it is easy to digest, but converts to sugar so should not be fed long term.

You might find it useful to plug into a good raw feeding email list, research some good raw feeding websites and read a few books to help you choose. I am uincluding a few links below, some have further links to excellent resources. I hope these help and good luck with your new puppy.
2009-03-18 04:58:51 UTC
Since she's been seen by your vet, he's tested her stool for parasites? If she's all clear there, then maybe this particular choice of food is not agreeing with her. It may be one of the protein sources or grain is not being well digested. You can try giving her plain boiled chicken with boiled rice for a few days to see if her stool improves, then gradually add a different kibble formula to the mix to see if she tolerates it.

Some dogs have no problem with yogurt, for others it can cause loose stool. If you're feeding the fresh meat as raw meat, some say it is best to not give raw meat in the same feeding as kibble, as the two are digested at different rates. Good luck, it sounds like she has found a caring home.
An G
2009-03-18 05:01:53 UTC
Food change can cause this....but stress is also a big factor. I wouldn't stop feeding her good food. But maybe give her some canned pumkin (Not pie filling) to help her stomach settle a bit. The stuff works...take my word for it. My dog was stressed when we brought our new puppy home, and she had diarrhea not once, but TWICE on our downsairs carpet. (she was on regular kibble at the time)She NEVER uses the bathroom indoors. She ruined the carpet. I gave her canned pumkin and she's been o.k ever since. She is also now on a dehydrated raw diet, and is doing GREAT!

Your puppy just needs time to adjust. She didn't have the best start in life and that can play a big role in her physical health. Keep feeding her a good diet and love her and she'll get better.
2016-05-23 01:56:18 UTC
I have a rescue pup from a puppy mill. we got him at 8 weeks old too. within the first 3 weeks he went to the vet 4 times. It made money a little tight but trust me it was worth it. he is now almost 5 months old and as healthy as can be, we have been getting check ups once a month and are going to keep doing that till he is 1. He is very active and VERY smart. Every dog deserves a second chance!
2009-03-18 04:57:33 UTC
Some dogs can't handle that much protein. Yogurt is dairy, so she might be allergic to it. Not to mention her being so young, her fragile system cannot handle sudden changes.

Chances are the Pedigree isn't what caused her problems, but the neglect from previous owners who probably hardly ever or never fed her at all, and Pedigree is what she got at the shelter. Most dogs on Pedigree and other grocery store dog foods live long, happy, healthy, lives. I know mine did.

Edit: No one mentioned anything about having her put on canned food. Not to mention that I don't believe everything I read. But as long as you aren't willing to listen, there's nothing that can be done. Like I said, many dogs cannot handle the high protein kibble, but you haven't even ENTERTAINED that thought.
2009-03-18 04:59:45 UTC
I had a Siberian Husky for two years and had all the problems your having. Diarrhea, scrawny, and going blind. I went to three vets before someone told me all those problems were due to the breed. I had to have special food ordered for the dog and after about a week everything was fine. She was a nervous dog though and couldn't be around any of my other animals.I didn't have any problems with her health for the two years I had her after the whole "dietary" issue.
2009-03-18 04:56:58 UTC
Has your vet had you bring in any samples to check for parasites or other problems? I know diet change can cause problems, and it does sound like she's getting better. One of my cats poops in the car as a stress reaction, but that is just in that specific situation. I would definitely stay in touch with the vet.

By the way, congratulations on your new pet, and you should be very proud that you've rescued her!
2009-03-18 05:00:21 UTC
Ask the rescue centre what food they fed her on and keep her on that dogs dont often respond well to sudden changes in diet,if you are going to change the food then do it very gradually mixing small ammounts into the usual food as any sudden changes will result in upset tummies!
Texas Rottie
2009-03-18 05:05:08 UTC
I would have her checked for parasites at the vet. Add canned pumpkin to her food (not the pie filling). If it continues after you have done all of this, she may have an allergy to the food you changed her to. You may need to find another, but do not go back to pedigree, as it is crap! You did a good thing to move her off of it.
Craig at home
2009-03-18 04:57:04 UTC
So the dog was doing fine on Pedigree and you got rid of that "rubbish" and now the dog has constant diahrea. Hmmm... I'm thinking I'd go back to the "rubbish"...

I have fed nothing but Pedigree to my two boxers and both have had long and happy lives.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.