Need a very powerful, even lethal self defense weapon. Any suggestions?
2014-09-29 15:33:11 UTC
I'm a fed-ex delivery guy and I encounter ALOT of vicious dogs on my route. When I say vicious, I mean kill you vicious with no joke intended. I'm not allowed to carry a pistol or fire arm of any kind...BUT I am able to carry anything else. Tazers, pepper spray, tear gas samurai sword..whatever just not a gun. I'm looking at tazers, and want to know what the most dangerous tazer or stun gun currently on the market I can buy is, I'm talkin "wish you were dead if you wake up" tazer. To give you an idea of the kind of dogs I have to deal with...lets say they make cujo look like a cuddly puppy. German Shepards, lethal pitbulls, mastiffs, dobermans who protect million dollar mansions, and there's one house I deliver to who's owner is a retired marine and has a trained to kill pit-bull/Boxer mix named "Bull" which is also registered on the city's dangerous dogs list. These are just a fraction of the bull-**** dogs that threaten my life everyday. I want and need the ultimate self-defense weapon second best to an actual firearm. I need something next to lethal, even if it kills the dog, I just want to defend myself, but I say again, it can't be a gun. :( Community hit me with what you would carry for self defense if you were a fed-ex delivery driver and your route had life-threatening dangerous "Beware of dogs" dogs to deal with.

Note: I am ex-military myself and these dogs are registered with the city as keep-away animals and not to be played with.
Twelve answers:
2014-09-30 19:42:56 UTC
If you kill the dog you could get sued by the owner. It's best to carry a nonlethal weapon like mace, and wear a tough pair of boots. After spraying an aggressive dog, give it a kick so it learns that you're the dominant creature
2014-09-29 17:08:08 UTC
Pepper Spray, Mace or BEAR spray. These WILL Stop any dog. (I sprayed one once, in mid-air attack with teeth barred) & it fold up & wimpered away. Sprays can go out 10 or more feet FROM you, too. These do not do permanent damage, so their use is unlikely to result in a lawsuit, unlike killing a dog might.

The tazer would be a second course of action, but can result in kills (it happens in people, sometimes). As has been STATED, you are NOT required to deliver, if a dog is loose or if the situation is UNSAFE.
Elaine M
2014-09-29 16:29:26 UTC
As with postal carriers, nobody HAS to deliver if a dog is a danger. You leave a notice for the person to come to the Fed-Ex station to pick their package up.

If the dog was running around loose, do what my SO does when he bicycle rides - carry a spray bottle of bleach water (1/4 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water). A spritz in the face makes any dog turn and run.
2014-09-29 15:44:12 UTC
I would just refuse to deliver to any premises that had aggressive dogs running loose. Its your right to refuse.

You just don`t go into someones property with intent to harm or kill a dog. Not in the uk anyway.

The dogs owners are legally required to keep their dogs under control and allow delivery people safe access to their property.

If a dog bites a delivery person it can be seized and euthanised.

Postmen here can and will refuse to deliver to any property that has a potential dangerous dog running loose.
2014-09-29 15:38:13 UTC
The pepper spray is the best option for dogs. It will deter even a whole pack of 'em. All the other weapons are too hard to deploy in time even against one dog. A taser is a particularly bad idea, since it has only one shot and if you miss, well...

The other advantage of pepper spray is you get to cause real pain without any lasting damage. That may help to condition the dog to never bother a human again.
2014-09-29 15:36:23 UTC
Consider buying a Karambit knife, those are extremely effective and unique. They are very curved blades made distinct by its tiger-claw shape blade. It has a finger ring so that it doesn't slip out of your hand in vicious situations where blood can make you lose grip. It's ironic because felines have a hatred of dogs.

BUT, use it responsibly!**
2014-09-29 15:54:55 UTC
How about a Monkey's Fist?;_ylt=AwrBT7g23ylUoZMA8aVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0bjAxNjdrBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDIyN18x?_adv_prop=image&fr=uh3_answers_web_gs&va=monkey+fist

I make them with a 1 inch steel ball out of paracord. They can be made out of all kinds of cord or rope & the length of the whole thing can be as long as your want or need it to be.

Size can vary from marble size to pool ball & bigger.

It is a hand to hand combat weapon. It would have to be a back up weapon if the chemicals didn't stop or back them up.

Look them up on the internet

Here is a demolition video testing different size monkey fists on dry wall.
2014-09-30 08:37:18 UTC
My neighbor's has an aggressive GSD they would leave the package at the end of OUR driveway, because they were too scared to step foot into the other property.
2014-09-29 17:07:46 UTC
ANYTHING NON-LETHAL, for gods sake you don't wanna kill the dog, just immobilize it, maybe like a low voltage tazer.
2014-09-29 15:50:49 UTC
Likely pepper spray is your best defense, the strongest you can get. This touring cyclist has a good article on the things he has tried and what works:
2014-10-01 05:38:51 UTC
Raid Wasp and Hornet spray is best, it shoots further, for a longer period, and is more effective than pepper spray.
2014-09-29 16:40:07 UTC
Thanks guys, I went with the pepper spray...specifically this one:

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