I'm a fed-ex delivery guy and I encounter ALOT of vicious dogs on my route. When I say vicious, I mean kill you vicious with no joke intended. I'm not allowed to carry a pistol or fire arm of any kind...BUT I am able to carry anything else. Tazers, pepper spray, tear gas samurai sword..whatever just not a gun. I'm looking at tazers, and want to know what the most dangerous tazer or stun gun currently on the market I can buy is, I'm talkin "wish you were dead if you wake up" tazer. To give you an idea of the kind of dogs I have to deal with...lets say they make cujo look like a cuddly puppy. German Shepards, lethal pitbulls, mastiffs, dobermans who protect million dollar mansions, and there's one house I deliver to who's owner is a retired marine and has a trained to kill pit-bull/Boxer mix named "Bull" which is also registered on the city's dangerous dogs list. These are just a fraction of the bull-**** dogs that threaten my life everyday. I want and need the ultimate self-defense weapon second best to an actual firearm. I need something next to lethal, even if it kills the dog, I just want to defend myself, but I say again, it can't be a gun. :( Community hit me with what you would carry for self defense if you were a fed-ex delivery driver and your route had life-threatening dangerous "Beware of dogs" dogs to deal with.
Note: I am ex-military myself and these dogs are registered with the city as keep-away animals and not to be played with.