Hand signals in training puppies????
2008-05-03 11:17:56 UTC
I have a 10 week old black and tan/walker coon dog and we have been having a hard time house training her. I take her out every hour to go potty and say " go potty ", and wave my arm out. Well just last night I did my little arm wave while we were out side. I was trying to get here to go get her ball, I said " go get your ball " and waved my arm. She instantly went to sniffing the ground, squated and pooped. I was like wow I think I found something. I did it this morning when I took her out and she instantly peed and pooped. I think I stombled upon something here, and I was wondering if anyone else knows anything about this kind of thing???
Eight answers:
Someone Else
2008-05-03 11:32:58 UTC
hand signals is how people teach deaf dogs to do things too...congrats on the training!!
Karen L
2008-05-03 13:51:02 UTC
I too found out by accident that hand signals are very effective. Many many years ago when I had my first dog, we were out at the beach. The dog was a long way away and I wanted him to come back to me but I couldn't yell loud enough for him to hear. I stood there frustrated for a few minutes, and the next time he looked at me I yelled again and waved my arm out to the side. He stared at me for a second or two, then came running back full tilt. I didn't realize until that moment that when I called him to come, I had always waved my arm like that without even thinking about it. The dog was better at being trained than I was at training him. Since then, I have always used hand signals or body movements to go with commands, and even succeeded once in getting two dogs tied up outside a building to sit down without me saying a word since they couldn't have heard me through the window anyway. I hope you gave your dog lots of praise for her accomplishment.
2008-05-03 11:25:25 UTC
Any repetetive motion, especially with voice command, can program a dog (Pavlov's Dogs).

I suggest obedience training in order not to confuse the pup.

You will be taught to use the specific voice command and hand signal that is almost universally known and accepted.

In the mean time, use a voice command like"Potty" and reward her when she does it right.
~*Twilight Star*~
2008-05-03 11:21:58 UTC
yes they have hand signal training for dogs its actually a better way to get your dog to listen because they are always watching you for commands to happen. My cuz has his pitbull mix trained to sit, potty, lay, speak, fetch, heal and so many other things off of hand signalling.
2016-10-13 14:13:54 UTC
you rather can try this, and the sturdy information is that maximum canines have an extra handy time gaining knowledge of hand alerts than vocal instructions, according to possibility because of the fact they watch our physique language extra advantageous than they hear to us (we are saying sooo lots that canines don't understand, yet they comprehend an offended or happy posture whilst they see it). One hand alerts you need to wish are one for "sturdy!", which means the dogs gets a reward. this might additionally be a flashlight which you blink rapidly whilst the dogs does what you like. Flashlights tend to be sturdy because of the fact the dogs can see the mirrored photograph of the sunshine despite if she isn't dealing with you. Get one with a button and not a swap because of the fact it makes it extra handy to teach it on and rancid. stick to the flash with a cope with, ear scratching, or some thing else your dogs loves. This internet site has lots on deaf dogs guidance and proposals for alerts to apply.
2008-05-03 11:23:46 UTC
I have noticed that dogs respond to hand motions.My 2 y.o. Husky mix will sit if I pinch my first finger and thumb together- I don't even have to say anything! She will also: Lay down, Roll over and beg to hand signals too. I don't have any "scientific" info on it, I just know it works!
german shepherd owner
2008-05-03 11:23:01 UTC
hi, my dog does the same she's a northern inuit! british breed similar to husky, she uses hand signals for sit stay and lie down i also wave my arm and she wee's i think its because when your houseing training you point and wave to the grass say in wee and they automatically pic up and the gesture
2008-05-03 11:22:48 UTC
Yes, you can condition your dog to eliminate on command. And you can use hand signals

We had the hardest time teaching our puppy the trick "bang", because my boyfriend would point at her to sit when she was a puppy.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.