Should I get another dog ?
2009-01-25 02:29:23 UTC
We had a English Staffordshire Bull Terrier for 8 years, up until he passed away from a major stroke on the 5th of January, 2009.

During the 8 years that we had him, we bought another English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, for him. Her name is Stormy. She is now 5 years of age.

(Picture of them together) -

Zeus was the one who wasn't eating, and Stormy was the one eating.

I was thinking, maybe we should get another dog for Stormy because she will be getting lonely when I go back to school, and my parents start working again. Maybe she should have another playmate.

(Pictures of Stormy) -

I was thinking of a Labrador. But I'm not too sure.

Stormy got into a fight with a smaller dog then her, not that long ago. It looked to be a Shih Tzu. I'm scared Stormy will do that to a Labrador.

Even though the Labrador will be twice the size of her, I still don't know.

Should I still stick to Staffys? Or get another breed? Thanks.
Fourteen answers:
Tyra Dobe
2009-01-25 04:03:03 UTC
Firstly I am so sorry for your loss :(

Just as you are grieving and mourning Zues' loss, so will Stormy.

I have always found a good way to remember my dogs who have passed on is to set up a few photos with a candle and light the candle every now and then and just sit there looking at the photos and thinking about all the good times you had with your best pal, don't worry that you didn't spend enough time with him, he loved you no matter what - that is the joy of the unconditional love a dog offers you. He will bear no grudges against you for anything. Have Stormy with you and give him a big cuddle when you talk about happy times with Zues :) Think about him running through fields of grass with trees that grow tennis balls instead of apples - he is free of pain and running around with lots of other dogs who were also much loved pets who passed on.

That website has some good things there that can help you at this time of loss.

I think it is a very important thing to get another dog for Stormy & I wouldn't wait a year to do it. In a month or so I would think about finding a new friend to join your family. A new addition is not a replacement or an insult to Zues it is just another chapter you will add to your family book of life.

To get a puppy will require you to supervise the two together to help them get used to each other and to make sure the puppy isn't exposed to rough play.

A really good solution for you would be to get an older dog from an adoption agency or shelter.. There are so many dogs looking for a forever home and the love they will give you is amazing. Try and find a shelter that will let you bring Stormy in to meet the new pal to see how they get along before you bring him/her home. I would recommend getting a dog of the opposite sex (spayed of course!) so that there is no male/male female/female conflict. If you looked for a dog around the age of 2 that would mean less supervision and they would be house trained and easier to fit straight into your household. I think a lab is a great idea, a good size for a staffy to play with - but when you go looking at a shelter you will find the perfect dog for you.

Take care & Take time to grieve and give Stormy extra cuddles.

I think you are a very mature 13yr old and you will find the perfect dog for you and for Stormy. You are definately not selfish, if anything you are being selfless.

Give Stormy a squeeze from me - she is such a cutie pie :)
☆ Memphis Belle ☆
2009-01-25 06:23:21 UTC
When your family feel the time is right to introduce a new dog to the family, whether you choose to adopt from a rescue/breed rescue or purchase a well bred puppy from a responsible breeder, then there is nothing wrong in finding a companion for Stormy.

If you particularly like Staffys {I'm very partial to them} then you could purchase a second Staff, but a Labrador would be fine too. I have seen plenty of Labs on my walks with the Dobes playing with Staffs.

Good luck finding your new addition whenever you are ready.

You can shed tears that he is gone

or you can smile because he has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that he’ll come back

or you can open your eyes and see all he’s left.

Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him

or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday

or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember her and only that he’s gone

or you can cherish his memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back

Or you can do what he’d want: smile, open your eyes, love and go.

Edit: Great pictures.
2016-04-03 03:33:57 UTC
Jindo's, like many other dogs, APBT/Staffordshire, Akitas, and mastiff's are very dominating dogs. Most will attempt to assert themselves as the Alpha Male, meaning the "Big Boss" in a sense. You don't want to just throw -ANY- dog into a situation where it's around a dog it's NOT familiar with. As any dog is likely to react in fear, and attack/defend it's self even if unnecessary. Training; no matter how old will ALWAYS help. The dog does not need to be put down unless Aggression towards HUMANS is a constant issue. IF the dog is getting loose and attacking strays/neighbors dogs, you need to keep your dog tethered in a legal manner. [some states no longer allow chains or like items.] IF you feel you cannot provide the dog the proper training, attention and care it needs to become an outstanding dog; then you should probably surrender it to someone who can, before putting it to sleep.
2009-01-25 03:43:44 UTC
I agree with Tulip and Salix. I have a Pitt/Lab mix, and although only 6 or 7 years old, began to sulk and become lethargic, not even getting up from the sofa when I got company.

I went to the pound to find her a buddy but I had no idea what kind of dog to get....a small dog, a large dog, something that looked like her?

So, I just decided to take HER to the pound and let her make that choice. She adopted a stray Shegal. It's amazing how much she perked up just from having a friend to keep her company all day while I am at work. My Pitt/Lab will be 13 years old this May and I think her longevity is the result of her newfound young spirit.
2009-01-25 04:02:30 UTC
Izzy your a dufus!!! Shut up with your story, cry to someone else. i think getting another dog as long as your parents are okay with it is fine. A larger breed would be ideal or even another staffie to match your dogs energy. It all depends on how social your dog is with other dogs. It will definitely be hard work with the whole introduction but as long as your consistant with both dogs then they should grow up to be best of friends. Make sure you never leave your new pup unattended when Stormy is around...could lead to her biting your pup to show her status, not jealousy as people believe. Dog do not feel jealous!!!! They just want to maintain their status in the chain (pack). Don't worry about other writing it is too soon, your heart can love another dog and never forget Zeus. Good Luck.
2009-01-25 03:10:31 UTC
I agree with Tulip this is the best way to find Stormy a new companion and that way you will know that they get on great, Just because Stormy had a fight with a small dog might not mean that she doesn't like small dogs it could have just been that dog in particular, but by letting her choose who she would like to be her new play mate will be the best way to introduce a new dog into the house, good luck!
2009-01-25 04:13:03 UTC
I am sorry about Zeus. You are the only one who will know when it is right to get another dog. Dogs mourn just like people do, so try to stick to normal routines for Stormy. I think I would stick to Staffy's, Labs are a lot of energy, and you already know what to expect from Staffy's. I would consider getting another dog withing the next year. I don't like to introduce a new puppy to a dog older than 6-years-old. I am so sorry about your dog.

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.

I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep.

I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,

"It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea

You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to me.

I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.

I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there.

I walked with you towards the house as you fumbled for your key.

I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said, "It's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair

I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.

It's possible for me to be so near you every day

To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled; I think you knew...

In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning

And say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,

I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side.

I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.

Be patient, live your journey out... then come home to be with me.

~Author Unknown~
2009-01-25 03:38:51 UTC
I'm sorry to hear of your loss :[

I don't think you should get another dog from personal experience:

I got a rottweiler cross about 6 years ago from the RSPCA who is the most gentle dog you could ever meet. After about 2 years we thought that she must be lonely in the backyard by herself when everyone was at work or school, so we went back to the RSPCA and saw a gorgeous black labrador cross. The labrador was a 'black-tag' dog, meaning that she was an abuse case, and when we arranged for our rottweiler and her to meet, she attacked our other dog, but the RSPCA said that is was just a phase that would quickly pass so we agreed to take her home.

Every single day our labrador would attack our rottweiler and it took almost a whole year for our other dog to learn how to defend herself and fight back. Their conflicts would cause immense stress on everyone in our house, especially our rottweiler.

We eventually took our rottweiler into the vet to get a lower canine tooth removed due to a fight and he told us that our dog doesn't actually care for company during the day and that she would be quite content sleeping all day by herself.

One day I was in the back yard and my labrador attacked my rottweiler and my rottweiler just bowed her head and turned away as my labrador attacked her over and over again. My rottweiler had given up completely and it was the most horrrible thing I've ever seen. We took our labrador back to the RSPCA that day because that dog should have never been given up for adoption and the RSPCA should have never given her to us because we already had a dog, and she was in heaven when she was just with my family.
2009-01-25 02:48:22 UTC
Well, I would recommend getting another dog, but to keep them from fighting you should wipe the smell from Stormy and put it on the new dog. When/ if you get a new dog let Stormy get to know the other dog outside of your house.

I recommend getting a dog of equal or greater height.

Hope I helped.
2009-01-25 03:01:29 UTC
Why don't you let Stormy make that decion for you?

When your ready to get another dog, why don't you go to the animal shelter/pound or rescue with stormy and ask the staff to introduce you to dogs that get alone with other dogs. Out of these dogs, stormy can make her decision!
2009-01-25 05:08:52 UTC

It's also normal for dogs to get lonely when they lost a pet companion. Consider getting another dog is a good option.

Here's more info:
2009-01-25 02:44:35 UTC
If she is a good natured dog and you show her right from wrong. I think a lab will be perfect for her and you.
Golden Retriever Lover!
2009-01-25 02:39:47 UTC
I reccomend getting a golden!
Coconut Cruncher
2009-01-25 02:43:09 UTC
hmmm... you seem to be moving on too soon =.="

When my dog (who i only had for 2 years) died, i waited more than 2 years till i got another dog, and even then questioned if it was too soon.

I think you should just wait. You dog passed less than a month ago, and you act like you care in your last post about how your dog died. Yet now your'e thinking about getting another dog. I'm sorry for you, but i find this really selfish =.=" im 14 years old and still grieve for my first dog, that died when i was 5.

I'm probably going to get thumbs down, but its my opinion

<3 paris <3

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.