How do I get my dog to stop eating feces?
2005-12-08 08:37:46 UTC
Fortunately he does not eat his own, but he does go for all sorts of smelly things in the bushes when he's off leash.

Is this a dietary deficiency?

Folks have suggested changing diet or putting a muzzle on him in these situations. Any ideas?
Two answers:
Andrew A
2005-12-08 10:24:57 UTC
Teach him/her the "leave it!" command.

When walking your dog, always have treats on hand (this can be single bits of your dog's regular daily food) to reward good behavior.

When he starts to sniff around something he should not, give a firm tug on the leash (to make him aware, but not completely pull him off his front legs), and say "leave it!"

If he moves away, offer him a treat -- and he will soon learn it's much better (tasting) to leave that sort of thing alone.
2005-12-08 18:53:36 UTC
Well you should have him/her sit down in front of the fence and tell her no. You should astablish your self as the domanate one.

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