Don't forget you need to brush your dogs teeth 3x a week and take the dog to the vet 2x a year to get a teeth cleaning from the vet Doctor.
You also need to brush your dog everyday if she has long hair and you need to trim her nails which most vets do for $15 every month or you can do it yourself.also dogs need to go to a pro dog groomer once a month for the rest of their life.
you need to give her flea and tick drops EVERY month! and Heartworm gaurd for the rest of her life.
if you get a puppy she will have accidents all over your house because she is a baby puppy and won't know right from wrong so you will be busy cleaning more often.
You will want to buy a crate to keep her in while you go up to the store for 15 min so she doesn't harm herself while she is exploring the house alone because no one is watching her.
You have to pick up her "doggie no no" when she is outside in the yard and put it in a bag and when she goes in the house.
You need top of the line dog food every month which is very expansive.
You have to plan on setting aside thousands of dollars incase something happens to your puppy and she needs to go to the vet for a emergency.
Whoever you buy your puppy or dog from make sure they are NOT a BACKYARD Breeder
Owning a dog is very expansive...and if you get a puppy you are babysiting all day and all night long.
Good Luck and research your breed of choice and buy many books and read everything you can learn about the dog you want so you know what to expect the dog to be like.