Your dog is not a fashion statement. It is not an extension of your vanity. It's a living, feeling thing and if you are willing to have it carved up just to appease your own vanity, a procedure that does not benefit your dog in any way but merely causes it pain, suffering and poses numerous risks, then you should not own a dog. If you really loved your pet, you'd love it regardless of it's appearance and wouldn't try to 're-design' it as if it were an object. The anesthesia necessary for such a procedure is risky, especially for a puppy. That's assuming you'd even bother with it - you clearly aren't concerned with your dogs welfare. Dogs also communicate using their ears and tails and ear cropping effects their ability to respond to one another. Not to mention the pain that will follow such an operation. There is a reason why ear cropping and tail docking has been banned in many areas, because it's cruel and pointless. I hope you live in one of these areas and your dog is removed from your 'care'.
Please provide me with one justification for this crop that isn't based on your own shallow conception of how a 'show' dog should look? if you had a child - and animals are as vulnerable as children, completely reliant on your care - and you didn't like it's freckles, or the size of it's nose, and you felt the child should look how you believed it was 'supposed' to look, how would you explain that to your kid? Mum doesn't care how much you suffer, as long as you look how she wants? she can modify you how she pleases? there are no arguments for cropping that aren't selfish, or based on the sometimes cruel 'show' dog culture that regards dogs as mere fashion objects. The dog doesn't care how it looks, you do not have your dogs best interests in mind; you have your own, and that makes you a poor owner.
Countries where docking/cropping is banned - Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, Norway and the United Kingdom. Doesn't that tell you all you need to know? Your actions are largely accepted as barbaric enough to be worthy of punishment "This is contested by a wide range of groups and is often considered a form of animal cruelty and torture."