Are they getting enough daily metal stimulation & exercise? Even toy breeds need taken out & about & daily exercise & you have a terrier also which are high energy smart working bred dogs so their needs are even higher then other small breeds. I would be taking them for a morning walk & penning them or at least confining them to only parts of the house most appropriate & where the least amount of damage is possible. I use baby gates to close off areas. For short outings crating is fine but I think it's wrong & cruel to crate a dog for any longer than 3 or 4 hours maximum at a time.
Make a routine & stick to it that includes daily exercise, training, feeding times, crate time, pen time(or confinement to room/s) & free time. Dogs that know what to expect are generally easier going, less anxious & therefore less destructive. Just a simple routine of feeding them as soon as you wake then a walk around the block & then 10 mins of general obedience training finished off with a game of fetch or tug before you start your day will set both you & your dogs up to have a far better day. Then confine them to either a pen or room/s & go to work, when you get home just some basic play or a quick trip down the shops in the car will do most days. Make time for longer exercise or outings at least 3 times a week to say an off leash park, beach/creek/dam, obedience club or a play date with other friends dogs & you'll find the shorter daily walk & training will get them through quite well on your busier days. It only take say 45mins in the morning to do the whole routine & it will be so worthwhile I can assure you the dogs will be less destructive.
Now for when they are home get a sand pit & hide treats in it to encourage them to use it, a kids wadding pool & a elevated platform to just chill out & feel important from can really help too. Also take up ALL their toys & only put out a couple each day & change them round each day so they don't bore of the same old toys.
Also big meaty safe bones are great to help keep them happy too, just make sure to watch over them when feeding any bones to start with until you learn whether they are sensible enough bone chewers to be left unsupervised with 1. Never leave them unsupervised with littler types of bones though as they can choke if they don't take their time with them. That said my dog are all(whether they be toy breeds or giants) are feed bones from the very start & I have NEVER had not 1 issue over 30 yrs & uncountable amounts of dogs but I do know of dogs who are not bone safe. So first find out what type of bones suit your dogs before leaving them unsupervised & NEVER EVER feed cooked bones they can be deadly, no doubts there.
Also some people find small breeds do better if left with access to say the laundry & a part of the back yard so they can pick & choose where they want to be. Can be a problem with bad barkers though so you need to leave & sneak back a few times whenever you change a dogs routine just to check how they are coping etc.