Why do people dock their dog's tails?
Sarah Townen
2008-12-22 11:53:08 UTC
Is it just an aesthetic thing?

Is there any other purpose other than looks?

We are looking into buying a mini schnauzer and I don't understand why people doc their tails

If we got one I would just ask them to leave the tail un-docked
Nineteen answers:
2008-12-22 11:57:24 UTC
Historically, it's to pretect certain working dogs from tail injuries. This practice was also adopted into many dogs breed standards.

Today, as few of these dogs are actually used for original jobs, the reason is aesthetics. (ie Poodles aren't generally use for hunting anymore.)

ADD: Maybe some Poodles do hunt. However you know and I know that the vast majority do not. The vast majority if Dobermans aren't used for the reason that their tails were historically docked.

The vast majority of tail dockings *are* for aesthetics.

ADD: Also, do toy Poodles hunt? They're docked... that can't be for any reason other than aesthetics.
2016-12-17 16:02:31 UTC
Dog Tail Docking
2016-10-06 15:54:55 UTC
Tail Docking Dogs
2014-03-04 09:47:39 UTC
I have a rescue with a docked tail and I really wish it had been left alone like my other two.

All of the pro-docking answers here are based on EXCUSES, not REASONS. Specifically:

- That it's necessary for working dogs

- That it's necessary to show certain breeds

- Because it's the breed standard

- That ethical breeders do it (Quite the contrary)

This anecdotal BS is all based on the idea that we've always done it, so we should keep doing it. Confirmation bias at its finest.

Please don't buy dogs with docked tails and vote with your dollars to stop this barbaric and unnecessary practice.
2008-12-22 12:25:29 UTC
Breeds are docked for many reasons. In some hunting breeds the tail is docked to prevent injury in the field, In some stock dogs the same reason to prevent injury. In guarding and protection breeds the tail is docked to eliminate a handhold for a potential attacker. Many of the historically docked breeds also have thin tails that are much more prone to injury even if they are not working as hunting or stock dogs. A study was done in I believe Sweeden (sorry don't have it in front of me right now) and there was a drastic increase in the number of tail injuries in traditioanlly docked breeds once they banned docking. Often times tail injures are very difficult to get to heal and must be amputated. An amputation on an adult dog is much more painful and takes much longer to heal than a dock on a 3 day old puppy.

No a responsilbe breeder will not leave a puppy undocked just because you ask them to.
2015-08-14 14:34:51 UTC
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Why do people dock their dog's tails?

Is it just an aesthetic thing?

Is there any other purpose other than looks?

We are looking into buying a mini schnauzer and I don't understand why people doc their tails

If we got one I would just ask them to leave the tail un-docked
("{*o*}") Val
2008-12-22 19:51:09 UTC
I think that people who do this to dogs are heartless and selfish!

I adopted a Cockapoo 3 months ago from the Humane Society and his tail is docked. He was rescued from a puppy mill when he was just a few weeks old. He is a wonderful puppy, but I wish he had his tail. Not only do I feel bad for him, but I think he would look even more cute with a full tail. People say there are reasons to do this, but don't let them fool you, its unnecessary and cruel!
2008-12-22 11:58:21 UTC
It's an aesthetic option for the most part. However, in certain cases it's required for medical reasons. The nerve ending may have dissipated or the tail may have been irreparable and needed to be amputated or docked. Originally, docking was done for hunting dogs as a means to help protect the dog from whatever it was hunting. It's the same reason for the ears as well; it gave the hunted animal less to grab on to if it decided to attack, which minimized the damage done to the dog.
Julie D.
2008-12-22 11:58:49 UTC
Ethical breeders dock tails because it is the breed standard of the dog. Each breed has a reason why the tails are docked. You can't just ask someone to NOT dock the tail. Tails are docked when a pup is 3 days old, not at the time you go to select your dog.
Kip's Mom
2008-12-22 12:15:40 UTC
Here's the thing about buying an un-docked dog in North America - it means, 90% of the time, you are buying from a bad breeder.

Good breeders show their dogs. To be shown, a miniature schnauzer *has* to have a docked tail (but the ears can be left natural). The tails are done a 3 days of age - way too early for the breeder to assess the quality of the puppies, so *all* get docked.

Yes, you can ask for an un-docked tail, but a good breeder may not want to do this, as it could leave a great quality pup un-showable.
2008-12-22 12:46:49 UTC
Well for the one talking about poodles. There tails are not docked.

Most dogs tails are docked for working purposes. Example gundogs or field dogs like the weimaraner have there tails docked because the end of there tails are cartilage not bone so its easy and more painful to ripped off by a brush or thorn. Its much more extensive and hard to do surgery on a bigger dogs tail then a 3 day old puppy. Those puppies are much more upset about being away from the mom and upside down then having there tails docked.

Herding dogs also have tails docked depending on the livestock they herd mainly cattle herders or low lying dogs cause they can have there tails stomped on by a mad cattle.

Terriers like the mini schnauzer have theres docked because if their tail is too long it can get caught on something in the hole, or their prey can get a hold of it. They leave somewhat of a tail so that they can be pulled out of the hole if the dog is in danger.

Guard dogs generally have docked tails because that leaves nothing for the intruder to hold on too.

Its not for aesthetic reasons it serves a purpose with many breeds, including the mini schnauzer.

Most breeders well all breeders dock at 3 days so unless you are already on the waiting list for a puppy out of an upcoming litter you can't ask that of the breeder.
2013-11-22 17:06:31 UTC
Looks, that's all, fortunately my mini (from a reputable breeder) is not docked or cropped as we don't allow it in Victoria (AUSTRALIA)
2008-12-22 12:11:10 UTC
Unless the dog will be a working dog then it it purely for selfish reasons regarding appearance - dogs express emotions through their tails in the same way as humans read each others faces - it is one of the key ways they communicate - removing them unnecessarily is not right in my book - in fact it stopped me from purchasing otherwise perfect pups when buying my dog recently.

If we would not perform plastic surgery on babies we should not do so on puppies! Keep on looking till you find a breeder who does not dock indiscriminately but lines up & vets buyers BEFORE the birth & can decide on docking dependent on the home the dog will be going to. Dogs are for life not just for showing!!
John B
2008-12-22 11:56:38 UTC
Because tail injuries can be very serious, painful, and expensive

It is usually done on working dogs

Its done at 3 days old, so unless you are on a waiting list and they havent delivered yet, its probably going to be docked
DaBasset - BYBs kill dogs
2008-12-22 11:57:53 UTC
Ever seen a hunting dog with a bloody tail that won't heal? That's why.

EDIT: Yes, Poodles *do* hunt
2008-12-22 12:05:29 UTC
So would I, but I didn't have that choice with my dog I have now. We got her when she was four months old as a gift.

My other three dogs all had their tails, with no problems.
2008-12-22 11:56:59 UTC
I'm not sure. What kind of dog is it?
2008-12-22 12:42:08 UTC
MY breed is docked to "provide a sturdy handle" for removing from vermin dens. I use that handle daily.

If somebody was fool enough to ask me to leave one of my pups UNdocked,I'd tell the twit to GET A DIFFERENT BREED!!! They would NOT get a pup from me. I "don't play well" w/squeamish,AR-brainwashed morons.

Some cheapazz BYB would probably let you pay EXTRA for an undocked POS...crooks'll do that. REPUTABLE breeders will tell you to kiss off.

Added=for the ignorant blank below...POODLES *ARE* DOCKED!!! All 3 varieties! & schnauzers are ***NOT*** hole-dawgs!!!!!
2008-12-22 12:02:44 UTC
most people do it for looks.

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