Hello. I am new to Answers. I just discovered it, tonight,
after my husband got a phone call from a client who was worried about feeding her dog Ol Roy dog food, after seeing so much negativity regarding it on Yahoo Answers.
My husband is a vet. He has been one for over 20 years, now, serving our community. He also teaches part-time at our local university.
My husband and I love all animals. However, we are essentially dog people, at heart. We have 12 dogs of our own.
Several were stays we rescued. A few are purebreds we
We feed our adult dogs Ol Roy brand dry dog food. We feed
our puppies Ol Roy brand dry puppy food.
All of our dogs have done very well on the food.
The main debate over the Ol Roy quality issue primarily has to do with the amount of corn and wheat in the dog food.
Some breeders and vets believe that corn and wheat
are not beneficial to dogs (or humans, either.)
Animals and humans have been ingesting corn and wheat
for hundreds of years. If you open your kitchen cupboards,
you'll probably find a lot of items in there with some form of corn or wheat in them. Cereal, macaroni, cake mix, cookies,
corn starch, corn syrup, crackers, corn chips, bread, creamed corn, soup, etc. Over in the freezer, you'll probably find grain fed beef, pork, and chicken, ice cream, frozen mixed veggies
with corn, etc., etc.
Chances are if you removed all corn and wheat from your own diet, you would not be very happy. Nor would you be very healthy, in the long run.
Corn and wheat provide carbohydrates which are needed by humans and animals alike.