You are completely irresponsible breeding from two 12 month old GSD`s who are still little more than pups themselves.
Obviously neither have had any health checks and the two dogs are still developing and should not be bred from until the female is at least 2 years old and even then, only if she has had all A1 health checks and has a good temperament. A male should be at least 30 months old with A1 health checks and have at least some work or show credits to his name. Whatever were you thinking.
Now this inexperienced male smells a female on heat and wants to mate desperately with her and is suffering agonies if he is kept from her.
The male need to be separated from the female so far away that he cannot smell her and instinctively feel the need to mate and will try and do so with any other dog that is available.
Personally I think people like you with no experience of dog behaviour and certainly about dog breeding should not keep intact male and female dogs together.
If you say the female is now in heat again, why are you allowing the males near her?
The pup will have her smell on him.
I really don`t understand the whole situation, which needs to be elaborated on in more detail to be able to get the proper picture.
IF you are keeping intact males and females together and the dogs are just pets then you NEED to at least get the female spayed.