if a dog was a status symbol as it once was a hundred years ago it wouldnt be because of the breed it would be about the owner. it meant you were rich when you had many horses, vassals and dogs especially if the dogs fulfilled a purpose that could be shown.
and some mutts can perform just as well as a purebred.
purebred is just a phenotypic standard and with that a purpose (which a alot are not in any longer)
is their a status symbol in a german shepherd from germany? uh....noware you a king showing off a good sheepdog? or a loyal hound?
the status symbol is more the owner than the dog. in the old days a king or noble would simply claim a vassals best looking animal. and it was the favorite of a noble thus giving it status.
that dog was simply a good looking dog that served a purpose that the noble noted so the dog gained status. you dont get status from a dog
"my GSD was an import from germany" is just a bragging right to try and impress...i want to see the dog do what it was bred for and have a good temper (well bred well trained) and then i will be impressed. but not by the fact its from germany. you can still have BYB's in germany and you can still have untested parents there
what would i consider a status symbol...hmm
_____ has a well trained dog he is a well behaved dog that obviously has been trained to have manners. _____ can train their dog to be well behaved.
thats the only status symbol i see and as i said it comes from the human party