Why do some people have such an issue with the use of correct terminology?
2010-10-13 09:30:58 UTC
Such as:


Any ideas why? Any other issues with correct terminology you've seen?
24 answers:
2010-10-13 10:53:44 UTC
I have no idea. B*tch, penis and vulva are the correct terms for a female dog and body parts respectively.

And no, I don't think it's helping the educational level of society. I'm Danish and a large number of Danes use the wrong Danish word for tick, and instead use the name of an insect. I do tend to point it out and am often chided for it because I know what they meant. Yes, I know what they meant, but that doesn't mean that I think it's okay to call a tick an insect, and especially one that has nothing in common with a tick at all.

Another more extreme cases I've stumbled across are English speaking expats who want to change the Danish language, because the politically correct and correct terminology in Danish is not politically correct in English. I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous, yes, I can see why people would get offended if I called a nipple a "breastwart" while speaking English, but in Danish that is the correct word for nipple and it's not more offensive than the English nipple.
2016-06-03 07:15:03 UTC
I would not accept that we humans can behave in any manner we choose, knowing full well that at our demise full forgiveness and a return to heaven awaits. I was brought up a Christian, absolutely hating the atrocities that I saw religions being used to justify. I rejected Christianity and God for many years. Then I had an event which induced within me the most fantastic desire to learn as much as I could about everything that I could. Many years later, I now find myself believing in God, with all my heart, and rejecting religion in the same manner. There is perpetual antagonism manufactured between the religions - by those at the very top of society - to ensure that we humans never evolve or grow spiritually. Hell. Why is it such a big issue? Well, it appears that such a place really does exist. I haven't got the space to tell you everything that I know, but our conduct in this life really is unbelievably important! If you waste your life chasing money, then you will not grow spiritually from this life. If you show no compassion towards others, the planet and the animal kingdom, then a negative death-experience awaits you. I believe that that is the hell that we are warned about: you'd do well to ensure you don't go there. Looking at this world objectively, it isn't hard to conclude that 'freedom' is actually designed to ensure that as few of us as is possible return to heaven (or whatever) at our demise...
2010-10-13 09:37:09 UTC
I don't try to understand stupidity.

Are you sure that wasn't a child?...I mean if it it's a child who hasn't been taught the proper terms...I can understand.

Some adults have taken effective speaking classes which helps also.

Example...Bread instead of Bred

Fullblooded instead of Purebred

I'm sure there are loads more...

Oh then of course there are the nasty-minded trolls that just use anything as vulgar as possible.

ETA- In the world today, words like "pie" mean vagina, so does it really surprise you & if you haven't heard all the slang used now should get out more often.

I also agree a lot of children are shamed for saying certain words even if they are the correct terminology.

I will allow my son to say "B*tch" when referring to a female dog...but he is NEVER allowed to use it as slander. However, for myself...if you p*ss me off...I may just use it incorrectly. O_o

I have used female dog before to describe a B*tch...please don't condemn me. ;) Dog, instead of canine, is used today to describe the species...not the sex...but I am aware of the term b*tch & know when & where to use it. I think in some situations you have to also be careful what you say....PEOPLE get way too offended anymore over nothing.
2010-10-13 10:29:28 UTC
Because, AA, it's called a "pee pee" and a "who-who".

Just kidding :)

Because society isn't really 'up' to terminology. "male cow" is a term that is floated around a lot, or saying "cows" to describe a herd of cattle instead of just "cattle". Or when describing a single "cow" using "cow"--as the general public doesn't often know the difference between a heifer, cow, steer, and bull.

Personally, the English language can be pretty difficult to master, especially when you don't firsthand work with it (if you don't live on a farm, your terminology will be skewed when it comes to farm animals) -- however, there are people who refuse to use that language deliberately because they think it's "rude" when it's not.
2010-10-13 10:16:19 UTC
It is childish not to use the correct term. Many slang terms are way more offensive than the actual name. It shows insecurities. I grew up in a medical family, so my views are tempered.

I don't use btch around small children, but that is more not to offend parents. Nothing is wrong with the true, authentic use of a word. I hate all the slang in use today for vulva and vagina. Nasty and disgusting.

I've had people get offended when I state that my dog has a gay tail and that it is a confirmation fault.

And YouHave2B, I am sorry for your loss. You still have my respect.
2010-10-13 09:54:20 UTC
We're still quite a bit of a puritan society. I spent a lot of time in Europe and it's the number one reason we're laughed at. Sex is to be off limits outside of wedlock and that's projected onto our dogs. No that's not the practice anymore, but it's the general sentiment. Sarah Palin's teenage daughter was pregnant? GASP! Bill Clinton had an affair? WHAT? NOOO. How evil! Sex, and all its related terms, is still very much a taboo topic so people have trouble speaking about it without coding it somehow. It's the same with the toilet. It's more proper to say "I'm going to the ladies' room" rather than "I have to pee." (which I say all the time. What do I care?)

Just so you know, my dog's penis protruded from his prepuce last night after dinner. Might I say he's rather well endowed! LOL

@ Voelven - You made me giggle. That's true too. It's the same in German. "Brustwarze." Gosh if I said that here, who know what would happen. No, wait. If I said that here I would probably just be given the blank stare. lol
☆ Memphis Belle ☆
2010-10-13 09:49:03 UTC
Because in the minds of some repressed people such words are synonymous with talking dirty & feel uncomfortable using the correct terminology in its proper context.

When the subject of castration is mentioned in casual conversation the male dog walkers never use the word testicles.....his bits, balls, two veg, anything but the t word...
2010-10-13 10:01:08 UTC
You have good points, but unfortunately society has attached inappropriate meanings to terminology. When I'm around INTELLIGENT dog/cat people I will use the proper term. But sometimes it depends on who you really are talking to as to what term you may use.

I know what you are supposed to use, but find it easier in most cases to call them male or female dogs in general.

So question to you: would you still use the b*tch word for a spayed female or only use it for a breeding female?
2010-10-13 09:37:37 UTC
Well it all boils down to how their parents and perhaps society taught them to use those words. If a person's parent freaked out every time they heard the word "B*tch" even when used to refer to a female dog then they're more then likely to be adverse to using that term.

Then of course there are those who just want to cause problems and will nit pick everything they can.
UHave2BeKiddingMe-Clueing in the Clueless
2010-10-13 09:41:40 UTC
Wow, that OP was sure having a bad day.

I saw nothing offensive that should have set them off on Rayven and then you.

You know, I almost never report folks but that one inspired me to hit the report button.

I have no idea why anyone would get upset over correct terminology.

I definitely feel the whole politically correct thing is dumbing down our society.

Yesterday I was talking to two of my clients at the barn, she has two Great Danes, she was joking about giving the one to my other client, asked her how she would like a Deaf dog- I had to immediately correct her and tell her that was a derogatory term that would hurt her dogs feelings and the proper term for her dog was Sonically Challenged..........................

ADD: UH OH...Animal Artwork caught me....I had a pet steer for 18 years (I just lost him last month), I could not use the term "steer", thats a death sentence term for a male bovine-made it sound like I was going to eat him. Since he was always a pet I always referred to him as my baby cow......even at his adult weight of 1850 pounds.

I feel any credibility I may have had here in the dog section just went right out the window.........
Jennifer M~ Got the Giggles
2010-10-13 09:38:11 UTC
The worst I saw was someone asking if "the boy dog bugs they girl dog in the butt, will she have babies from there?"

Bug. Really?!

But then again, the question kind of speaks to this persons intelligence.

A lot of the time it doesn't bother me really. Some people either don't know, or are oddly ashamed to use proper terms.

My kids know proper names for things, but still call a penis a 'willy' and a vagina a 'chacha' BUT they know the proper words...and they are 6 and 9 years old. :)
Rayven ~ SCAdian girl
2010-10-13 09:34:04 UTC
Because people are children?

Frank: Who cares? When used PROPERLY they aren't offensive. Fact is with the exception of the majority of users on here, we're adults and should use ADULT/PROPER words. Would you go to a doctor who couldn't/wouldn't use the proper terms?

Hell my son is 4 and uses the word penis.

AA: I think its simply because as a society we've become so PC and sexualized everything we can about ourselves that the very notion of using the right words is just terrifying to some people.

And the next adult woman i run into who refers to her vulva/vagina as her ********(ty oprah) I'm going to smack her.

Tmdth: Because B*t*h is the PROPER name for all female canines.

other proper names for female animals that can be deemed offensive towards women - cow and sow - both are used for MULTIPLE species.

And its not swearing.
2010-10-13 09:43:33 UTC are funny today sooooo much more fun to say "pounani" instead of vagina, so much easier to say "girly" dog then female or btch!!

People today think its cool to use certain words and I dont mind it once in while under a fun context, but, the way its used in here is a little pathetic.

Did you know that po s a Jamaican word that means fruit?
DreaD And the Pretty Boy
2010-10-13 09:39:46 UTC
I love the terminology of "putting down" a dog. Just as you would "put down" a baby right? I just read a psychology journal about children sincerely believing that the dog was "put down" similarly to their younger siblings.
2010-10-13 09:42:18 UTC
whew that person doesn't give a good mental stability impression does she!

I will admit to avoiding the word to avoid the row of stars and occasionally penis & vulva outta a conviction that they will get stared too (not sure why they don't)

humm try something:


edit: intresting that was not stared

I recall a weary day over someone who should be professional giggling over paperwork referring to a rooster as a cock - I felt it childish as is my impression of those who can't handle the ***** word used correctly- they are the ones that need to GROW UP
Rotten Rotts
2010-10-13 09:40:51 UTC
Well the vulva is probably to technical for some to understand, as far as penis it is far better then woo-woo and for ***** that is probably to technical as far as referring to a dog.

Gees sex usually sends a few into a rage and good gawd, dogs DO NOT have periods.
2010-10-13 09:45:02 UTC
I think it's how some people are brought up but it annoys me no end as well.

What annoys me most is when you have no idea what they're talking about. Like "thingie". What the hell is its thingie? That could mean a couple of things. At least with "ladyparts" you have some idea what they're talking about.
Julie D.
2010-10-13 09:42:59 UTC
The poster in the link you provided has PROBLEMS! The two things that first popped into my head where babies, instead of puppies, and "my dog has her PERIOD."
Guy Guy ttododott
2010-10-13 09:37:08 UTC
Because times change and the B word has taken on a whole different meaning now. It's time to get with the program. Why call a female dog the B word? Why not just say "female dog". It sounds stupid when you call a dog the B word. Sounds like you got a problem with the person's dog or are otherwise insulting it. We all know 60 years ago the word Queer meant something completely different. But if you use it today, we all know what it means NOW. Times change.

It's like you guys just use the word because you're too cool for school and it makes you feel cool that you can swear without actually swearing.

@"When I was a kid, we sang songs that included words that sounded like they would be bad words but were not. Then I grew up."

Bells - Beach Bums
2010-10-13 09:36:11 UTC
Apparently she has an issue with more than just terminology... ;)
Nikko,Loves GSD,Pekes
2010-10-13 09:47:13 UTC
Well YA has a problem with it also as it's been Deleted!!!
Ashley. Say NO to breeding mutts
2010-10-13 09:40:56 UTC
My husband doesn't like it when I refer to our female dogs as bitches.
2010-10-13 09:34:46 UTC
society made it that way
2010-10-13 09:32:56 UTC
Surely you are aware that those words and variants of them have offensive meanings.

When I was a kid, we sang songs that included words that sounded like they would be bad words but were not. Then I grew up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.