I am both a groomer and Pap owner. And on both accounts, I think those shaved Paps are the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
I try to talk my clients out of any non-standard clippings or groomings of their dogs. If I can't, I'll do what they ask, but I don't like it. So many people have gotten into this ridiculous idea that "all dogs should be shaved in the summer", I don't know where it came from, but it's a horrible idea. People ask me to shave Golden Retrievers, Pomeranians, Huskies, Shepherds, and even LABS!! I actually will not shave a Lab, I flat-out refuse. I will only shave a double-coated breed for a valid medical reason. Even Goldens I just trim short and thin out the undercoat. I would never personally own a dog I couldn't keep in a normal, standard clip or coat.
My Paps are kept in full long coats, the only hair I remove is a little off the sanitary areas and the pads of the feet. I don't trim anything else, not even the feathers on the top of the toes. My mom trims the long tail feathers off hers, but I think that looks awful too. I don't understand why people buy dogs with long or curly hair, and then shave it all off again- people, there ARE short haired dogs in the world, if you don't want the hair, buy a short haired dog!
Sorry, I get very agitated by those people. :-)