2011-10-27 20:19:35 UTC
This dog JUMPS up 7 feet in the air in 1 single bound, and lands on top of the kennel, CHEWS THROUGH METAL, and killed the chickens.
These chickens were our children's PETS, and they really loved them and took care of them every day. They played with them in the backyard, drove them around in their dump trucks, and even took them on swings. The chickens were fully organic laying hens.
We called animal control out on incident #1 where it killed the chicken. It was taken to the pound.
The dog got out again and was near our yard, called again, taken to the pound again.
Dog got out again, was IN our yard near the coop, was taken to the pound AGAIN.
Once, again, dog got out, was in our yard and was taken to the pound AGAIN!!!
The last time was the time it killed our 3 other chickens! Kids cried for a day. Dog was taken to the pound AGAIN!
This was at the start of October.
We have more chickens on order, but in the mean time we bought the children some angora rabbits (the fuzzy kind). Low and behold this dog freaking got into our yard AGAIN and was trying to break into the rabbit cage.
My husband said "That's f-ing it" grabbed the gun and went outside but the dog left before he got outside. Thank God the rabbits are okay.
I guess I'm hesitant because I love dogs, but freaking crap!! This owner drives me nuts.
Could somebody outside my home out there in internet land please tell me it's okay for him to shoot that dog?