2009-08-05 13:26:56 UTC
He doesnt pull really hard or anything (my arm is still in tact) but he does a little and harder at times too, just not constantly..
I have tried when he pulls to stop and make him come back to my side every time he pulls.
I have tried a training collar (choke chain) and giveing small tuggs to the side. it didnt work and i dont like the idea of these either.. i got rid of it.
I have tried when he walks in front of me to turn and walk the other direction. he ends up running and then getting to the end of the leash and so i turn again and soon he is running circles around me.... sounds funny and kinda was the first time but is really annoying now.
and i have tried tugging him each time he goes in front of me back beside me and saying walk nice. ("walk nice" is the command i want to say to get him to well walk nice lol..)
i have also tried to keep his attention on me the entire walk with treats but the moment he gets the treat he starts ahead of me again...
None of these have worked so far. He know the "heel" but will only do it for a moment and then seeing i have no treat starts going in front again or once he gets the treat goes in front..
He is 35 pounds now almost and starting to be a pain to walk... every once in a while i will dar to try to run/jog with him again but that is a huge disaster.
either he tries to nipp and grows at my legs and feet or he runs as fast as he can and im stuck being pulled almost... he is not heavy enough to pull me yet but he will and i want to fix this problem before there is touble.
I have a 4 foot and 6 foot leash and one where he has to stay right by my side (a extenable one i lock to make him have to stay right by my side) He pulls the worst on the shorter ones...
How can I get my dog to walk WITH me on our walks? Anyone got a vidoeo or step by step process what to do when he does this or that...
He sits to get his leash on and i go out the door first... but once we are out he fights for the lead...