Dog sleep with you?
2007-06-22 06:35:53 UTC
Hi, What are people's views on letting your dog sleep on your bed? my pup currently sleeps in a crate by me bed, which I'm told by everyone is the right thing, and never to let him sleep with me, he sleeps fine in the crate after initial whimpering. I'm really tempted to let him on the bed though, what do others think?
56 answers:
Beth G
2007-06-22 06:38:52 UTC
I have 2 labs and they sleep with me.
2007-06-22 12:17:51 UTC
Well I know the right answer... but I have furry kids... so I'll give you the right answer and the honest answer.

The right answer is to keep the dog crated at night. Once trained, the animal will enjoy his own space and the crating allows for seemless transitions when boarding, having the animal overnight in a hotel (most require crating), or even pet sitting. Greekman is right, keeping the animal crated is best for the animal.

That being said, however, my dogs sleep with me at night. I know, I know. Like another poster said, I'm gone all day at work, often volunteer my time, and/or am running around like a chicken with my head cut off with my kids, friends, family, etc after work so I feel bad that the dogs are crated all day... so I just can't crate them at night too. They probably wouldn't mind.. but my human nature kicks in. The Chi sleeps under the covers in either my bed or my son's, and the Westie sleeps at the foot of my bed.

One issue I have is that when they are ready to wake up, they do their morning shake to get their wiggles out... and those damn ID tags are NOISY. lol. There's no sleeping through that. :)

I just got back from vacation, and for the week before vacation, I put the dogs in their respective crates for the evening so they would be acclimated to their crates for night. My dog sitter said that watching them was the easiest thing in the world because they both crated on command and without complaint. I don't know that I believe the "once they're on the bed you can't get them in a crate" mindset. Mine had no problem with it.

Good luck!
Carrie S
2007-06-22 06:49:30 UTC
Well I have mixed views on this I think it is best to leave the dog on the floor or on his own bed especially since I tend to like large dogs and being married two people and a dog weighing a hundred pounds doesn't mix well.

One has to think if there will ever be a time when they want the dog to stop getting in the bed or if you are single now and someone will be joining you someday the dog might get very territorial about that.

I breifly let my GSD on the bed when dh started working a shift that had me home by myself at night and it was a pain to get him to stop comming up when I didn't want him there anymore.

Also some more dominant dogs will think or themselves as equals to you if you let them sleep with you but not all dogs have these issues some dogs are happy to sleep with you sometimes and then get down and sleep on thier bed when you tell them otherwise so I would say it depends on the dog and the other things I mentioned
Patty G
2007-06-22 06:51:53 UTC
Dogs need a comfortable and secure place to call their own. If you are training your dog to sleep in the crate, then keep it that way for him. Once you start changing the routine, the dog will remember the new one as in sleeping on the bed.

If you use the crate while you are out of the house, its best to be consistent with the dog sleeping quarters.
2007-06-22 06:46:12 UTC
Whether or not you're willing to share your bed with a dog is personal choice, however, whether it's a good idea is a different thing altogether. Some dogs do fine, other dogs see it as a "step up" the social ladder - one step closer to being "top dog", and you may end up with some dominance behaviour issues as a result. If you have a dog that has a tendency toward dominance (you may not know just yet as he's only a puppy, but considering his breed would give you some clues), you might find that later, when he's a little older, he may start showing signs of aggression toward you or others in your house.

I think it's best to continue having him sleep on the floor. Being on the bed can be a treat - and not one given often, at least until he's older & you can see whether he may be a dog that needs to have his subordinate role toward you reinforced by you limiting his privilages.
Carrie B
2007-06-22 06:43:39 UTC
I have a lab mix that sleeps with me every night. And then I have two that enjoy being secure in a crate and then I have another tiny older dog that sleeps alone somewhere else in my house. All my girls know when it is bedtime and they usually beat me to bed. So if your dog is FAMILY and is allowed to be on furniture and bed then by all means let them be. If they move, or want to play in the middle of the night or start using the bathroom everywhere then it might be safer to keep them in the crate a little longer. My little girls sometimes whine in the crate after they have gotten in there themselves but when the lights go out so do they. The only thing that you could possibly lose is your covers....
2007-06-22 08:41:47 UTC
It's so tempting isn't it? but just remember it won't be a pup forever and it will grow. plus you may have other plans at some point for bedtime and the dog will get upset as to why it's being banished from the bed/bedroom, and that wouldn't be fair or easy for you as it will definately cry. I personally don't let my pup sleep in my room at all let alone the bed. The frist few nights I got her home I slept on the sofa with her so I could get up to toilet her, then the next few nights I put her in the basket in the living room while i slept on the sofa. then i put her in the basket and sat by her til she fell asleep before I went up to bed and closed my door, during the night she crept up and slept outside my door, now she sleeps on a bed outside my bedroom and never cries at all. If you're happy with him in your room, that's ok but I really think that letting it in your bed will make more trouble for you in the future.
2007-06-22 06:47:01 UTC
I think it is a personal choice, for the most part. Mine always slept in their crate at night until I knew they were 100% housebroken, and would stay in the bed with me all night and wouldn't get up and chew things up or cause trouble while I was asleep. You don't want her learning she can sneak off and go potty in the corner while you are sleeping, either.

Both my Rat Terrier and Chinese Crested sleep in bed with me now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I do have to keep and extra pillow on the bed though, or the hubby or I end up losing ours, lol. But I have had dogs share my bed since I was a child, and the worst sort of "dominance issue" it ever caused was the loss of my pillow.....LOL.
2007-06-22 06:51:52 UTC
Our dog, a cocker spaniel, is allowed in bed with us. She will jump in.. lay down for a few minutes.. and then get down and sleep on the floor. I dont think it is a big deal... but it is true once you start there is no going back. If it is a big dog, then I do not think it would be fair to the people in the bed.. our dog is small but she still can take up a lot of space when she sprawls out in the middle.
2007-06-22 06:49:58 UTC
Well is better form the dog to sleep in the crate because the more space u give the dog the more they invade want to take control. Watch Dog Whisper good tips on dogs
2007-06-23 12:14:49 UTC
My Dalmatian sleeps on my bed. She makes a much better sleeping partner than my husband. I couldn't sleep a wink when I shared a bed with him because he snores and grunts and twitches so much is his sleep we now have seperate bedrooms. I bought a myself a 4 foot bed so that there would be enough room for me and the dog. My Dally just snuggles up against me and I hardly know she's there. My Belgian Shepherd sleeps on a dog bed on the floor in my room. She doesn't like to sleep on the bed because she gets too hot.
2007-06-22 06:42:48 UTC
Depends on the dog, if he is subservient and doesn't cause you any trouble, then sure - let him on the bed, especially if he's just a baby. I would only say don't let him if he was getting too big for his boots. My pups always started out curling up on the bed with me, and every single one of them just naturally started sleeping on the floor/their own bed as they got a bit older. My current GSD knows that he can lie with me for a short while but when he hears my husband coming he leaves the bed and goes on the floor!
2007-06-22 07:26:31 UTC
i like my dogs sleep on my bed and there fine on the bed so i guess it is okay there is no problem with it my dogs can sleep in the crate to but most of the time they sleep with me
2007-06-22 08:18:21 UTC
I used to let our 2 pomeranians sleep with us, but they just took over the bed and we couldn't move. Now they have their own beds to sleep in, but still creep up around 6am but i dont mind as i get up at 7am anyway. I look forward to snuggling up with them in a morning for an hour. I think it's a personal choice, and if you don't have a problem with it then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
Pink Denial
2007-06-22 06:41:40 UTC
The main reason you shouldn't let your dog sleep on the bed with you is because it can alter the alpha status you should have (and constantly work to keep).

That said, we personally do let our dog sleep on the bed. Alpha status and dominance have never been an issue with us, and no problems have ever come of it. However, he didn't start sleeping on the bed with us until that Alpha status was clearly determined, and he is only allowed on the bed when he is invited up there.

But now that we have two dogs, one of which is quite a bit bigger, we might rethink this position.
michele c
2007-06-25 02:07:41 UTC
if you want your dog to be the pack leader then yes let him sleep on your bed. All dogs need to know where they sit on the pecking order, by inviting him into your space your giving him the ok to think he is above you. which in time can cause alot of problems, you didnt say if he is a big or small breed. you can still love your dog but they need to know you are the boss..he will love you more when he respects you....good luck
2007-06-22 06:53:52 UTC
I allow both of my dogs to sleep in my bed. Its not a problem at all. It all depends on what you think and how you want your dog to behave. I mean we allow them on furniture as well if you don't want you dog to do that then you should not let your dog sleep on your bed for they will think all furniture is okay after that. But we it nice and good way to keep a good eye on a young dog and attend to house breaking.
2007-06-22 06:49:18 UTC
My chihuahua sleeps under the covers between my feet. Sence I am gone during the day I am too heartbroken to put him in his crate at night he is SPOILED. but as far as behavior I haven't noticed any changes because of it. The only problem I can think of is if they start protecting the bed from you. I think this is easily provented by allowing the dog on the bed only after he is invited by you.
2007-06-22 12:02:38 UTC
I let my Boston Terrier sleep with me all the time. He's been doing it since he was a pup. He likes to get UNDER the covers most of the time. When I tell people about him doing this they think I'm weird! I don't care, I love my dog "Louie". Do what YOU want!!!
2007-06-22 08:05:19 UTC
Well I have three dogs and all three sleep in the bed with me and my husband so I agree to let them if thats what you decided to do makes them feel more like the part of the family.
2007-06-22 13:52:46 UTC
I love my pups and and I love their warmth during the night and as long as it's just the one that wants to sleep with me I dont care I would have them both but I only have a single bed and I have a Labrador and a rodesian ridgeback (NewZeland Sheepdog) where would I sleep they have already claimed the sofa LOL
2007-06-22 12:17:28 UTC
If you have trained your dog to sleep on it's own, that's great because once they sleep on your bed it's all over. Your pup will always want to sleep with you from then on. I have two dogs...a chihuahua and a mini dobbie and they don't want to ever get off my bed now...but it's definitely your choice.
2007-06-22 06:48:52 UTC
I have a 9 Month old Staffy and (very naughtily) we do let her sleep in the bed with us each night. I don't think its a bad thing but once you start it it will be very hard to get doggy out of it. Bed also gets very hairy as well..
Teresa V
2007-06-22 06:40:26 UTC
Once you start letting the pup sleep on the bed it will be a very hard habit to break but if you are willing to always let the dog sleep with you that is your choice. I let my rat terrier sleep with me every night and she just sleeps by my feet then comes and wakes me up minutes before my alarm goes off.
2007-06-22 07:48:04 UTC
Both of my dogs (poodles) sleep on my bed with hubby and me since they were housetrained. They lie at the bottom of the bed and have sorted out between them who is top dog (after myself and hubby) Perhaps not very hygienic but extremely handy when one or both of them have a gyppy tummy and need out in the middle of the night, or a noise outside wakens them and they decide to bark loudly and waken the whole house.
2007-06-22 08:13:13 UTC
I dont let my puppy inbed with me he was crate trained he did so well so i let him out at night.He usually falls asleep with me on the couch then i put him on his bed. I just think its a bad idea, say you have a partner they start to be aggressive and not letting them on the bed.I rather let him sleep in his doggy bed he seems to like it.
2007-06-22 10:07:26 UTC
My older dog sleeps with me on the bed, somewhere near my feet and will put his head on my leg or feet. My younger dog sleeps in his cushion next to my bed. The younger dog sometimes come and sleep next to the older dog, especially when he is cold.

I personally like it when they sleep with me cos I think this is how they show affection and I really love their company too.
2007-06-22 06:46:01 UTC
First, if you sleep OK with the pup, I don't see a problem.

I don't sleep with my dog, because he barks, runs, and snorts in his sleep. I don't mind a nap (happiness is a warm puppy), but my sleep suffers with him next to me.

BTW, for the same reason, I don't let him sleep in my room... and if he wakes up, he may make a little noise that wakes me up too.

He can sleep in anoter room (outside of the crate, now) and go get a drink of water, if he wants. He usually can hold it longer than I can... if he needs to go outside, it is usually an emergency...
2007-06-22 11:44:52 UTC
mu pup sleeps on my bed, but during the night gets off as i am a twitcher. hes a small dog and takes up no room. i dont have a problem with him in my room. hes just a lil pup. but i am a softy.

if he was naughty or restless he's be in his own bed. but neither of us is disturbed so its not a problem.

hust remember once you let them .. thats it. you cant suddenly say off. it dont work.
2007-06-22 08:12:05 UTC
If you want the dog on the bed, and the dog is happy, then do it. Don't have people put you off with hygine stuff cos there is nothing wring with it. Just as long as you're happy together - that is the important thing.
2007-06-22 06:44:42 UTC
My dogs sleep with me all the time. Even when I walk up the stairs to go to bed, they follow me and know that it's time to go to sleep. I wake up every morning to my mini-shnauzer snoring next to me. I don't think that it's a big thing. Let them on the bed. It's so cute.
Married and loving it!!!!
2007-06-22 06:42:03 UTC
Crate is best. I let mine take naps with me and the kids though in bed. I like crating at night because I know she is safe and won't sneak out and eat something she isnt supposed to or play with the cats or wake up my kids. Good luck.

2007-06-22 06:40:54 UTC
I didn't ever think I would let me dog sleep with me but I do BUT what is quite interesting is that as soon as I go to sleep, or if he thinks I'm asleep, he will get down and sleep on the landing between my daughters and my bedroom!
2007-06-26 03:23:43 UTC
Like with children don't start if at any time you cant continue this routine as it will be a difficult one to crack,in his crate is great as you have your space but he is still close to you if he toilets it is contained
2007-06-23 04:59:17 UTC
My Lurcher sleeps with me. He's like a hot water bottle that never goes cold and cheaper than an electric blanket.
2007-06-22 10:57:13 UTC
i let my dog come in my bed to cuddle and have a snooze but my dog does under stand that it is MY bed and he has his bed so when he sleeps in my bed its on my terms and i can kick him out when i facny it but i never do coz he is gr8 company

oh and i only let his im coz he is clean he get frequent baths and i wash his paws when we come bk from a walk
2007-06-22 09:14:24 UTC
I don't even let my dog in my bedroom! She copes just fine in her crate in the kitchen.
2007-06-22 06:48:06 UTC
If you let him on the bed, he will grow up thinking its okay to get on the bed. If you dont mind that, then let him. But if you dont want him on the bed when he's an adult, then definitely dont let him up there now.

Its a nice warm teddy bear to sleep with, but if you want to cuddle with it, I suggest sleeping on the floor with him. ;^)
2007-06-22 06:44:44 UTC
my dog either sleeps in bed with me, or in her crate. she really doesn't care. she's really good about sleeping in her crate when she has to.
2007-06-22 06:43:19 UTC
My dogs sleep in my room but they are not allowed on the bed, they have sneaked on in the past when i havent been at home and i have had to change the bedding. It was my big male german shepherd so it was more hairy than him. The staffs jump on constantly so they are always waking us up and being pushed off as they sneek under the covers and its not nice when you go to cuddle your husband and the dogs the one there
2007-06-22 06:47:03 UTC
I always let my doggie sleep with me, love it!

I can have a god night sleep when my dog is with me, so if you like to be next to somebody when sleeping then your good, if not I wouldnt put him up there then
Elaine C
2007-06-22 08:24:05 UTC
as many people say its entirely up to you,we have 4 staffs and they all sleep with me and my husband,unforuately we don't have alot of room but they are happy,but just like others have said alot of hairs thou!!!! Also there have a cage if they want to sleep in it and a massive duvet on the floor for them.So i reckon they are quite happy anywhere.
2007-06-22 06:57:14 UTC
Our Greyhound sleeps on her own couch except if we are in an hotel where she feels safer if she sleeps on our bed.
2007-06-22 06:48:12 UTC
both our dogs sleep on the bed with us that way we all get a good nights kip.
2007-06-22 06:46:56 UTC
Ooh no! Don't let him sleep on your bed with you, it's giving him the sign that you are his property,and that he's the leader of the pack.(Apart from the hygiene reasons ) He has to get used to his own bed and the fact that you cannot spend all day and all night with him.My dogs didn't like being left to sleep in their basket downstairs while everyone sleeps upstairs, but they got used to it eventually.
2007-06-22 06:46:00 UTC
i sleep downstairs and my 130 pound rottweiler wont come down here but if he did and i had a queen bed you bet your bottom dollar he would be sleeping with me too hell with the haters
2007-06-24 05:00:32 UTC
i think hes working you out matey! you must remember that dogs find it hard to differentiate. if you allow him to do it once then as far as hes concerned its ok all the time. the moral is: let him once & you are making a rod for your own back!
2007-06-22 06:47:04 UTC
More expensive than a hot water bottle I would have thought.

Now if you could train him to make you a cup of tea first thing I would say go for it.
2007-06-22 06:40:44 UTC
Leave it in the crate. Better for the dog's mental health and the pack order in your home. Do not ask for trouble if there is none.
2007-06-22 06:43:20 UTC
It's okay to sleep with your dogs.. (not what you tend to think, but I really mean, SLEEP, unless you're zoophile ew)

Dogs like attention so sleeping with them is rather showing them how much you are a good and responsible owner you can be to them, and you don't treat them as pets, but rather, as friends and companion :D
2007-06-22 06:44:21 UTC
when i had my dog I let her sleep with long as she was dirty pups in the bed. but it's fine.
2007-06-22 09:37:46 UTC
our dog sleeps with us its nice when my partner goes out and hes there
2007-06-22 06:47:59 UTC
Sometimes I sleep with my cat
2007-06-22 06:53:23 UTC
to all you Dog lovers.....they stink!!!!! You're friends come round and slag you off behind you're back,because you and your house stinks.
2007-06-22 06:41:14 UTC
let the puppy get in your bed. is he trained? i hope so...
trish b
2007-06-22 06:40:21 UTC
What an absolutely disgusting thought !!!!!!!

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