Really sorry but it is me giving the TD to the answers that state that you must cook the meat first and that dogs will get deadly infections, worms or the usual comment - salmonella.
No they won't. THOUSANDS of us feed raw meat diet every day and have done for years and years.
Dogs need meat to be raw to get the goodness they need from it. A dogs digestive system is just designed to take raw meat - ours is not.
What you MUST NOT do -- however -- is to feed raw meat AND kibble. This is really bad for your dogs and puts a huge strain on internal organs like the pancreas, owing to the two different environments needed to digest raw and kibble.
Have a read firstly of Tom Lonsdales site
this is an excellent site to start with.
If you are interested in looking further then there are dozens of sites to help you.
Add on -- ok here we are again about to have the raw versus non-raw arguments --- all I can say is search the net and you will find lots and lots of raw feed websites.
Try these for a start. (RawFed) (Jane Anderson's Raw Learning Site) (Raw Fed Dogs) (Raw Meaty Bones) (Feeding Your Dog a S.A.R.F./Raw Prey Model Diet) (Raw Prey Model Diet Vs. BARF Diet) (Raw Dogs Livejournal Community, excellent raw feeding information on the profile page and overall helpful community for raw feeding questions.) (Myths About Raw Feeding)