I took my 1.5 year old German Shepherd dog to the vet to get his shots (3 year rabies and lyme vaccination w/ distemper). When I arrived there, they asked me if I wanted a heart worm test done and I said "yes." They were taking my dog to another room to take blood (which I thought was suspicious). I asked them if I could come and they said that I should wait and that they were only going to take a blood sample which wouldn't take long. After a few minutes they came back and my dog was very happy to see me. He sat by my legs and kept wagging his tail. They told me that they also gave his rabies and lyme vaccination shots in the back room. I took my dog to this vet before and they seemed OK. What reason could there be for them to take my dog to another room? I should not have left him alone with those people. :( Could they have not given his shots to save on the cost of the shots? The heart worm test was negative by the way. But I still have a feeling they did not give his shots. Is there a way to tell if they did?