Should I get another dog?
2008-06-24 10:38:39 UTC
I recently got a puppy(lab mix).He is a good dog, house trained and likes to play. That's the problem he plays to much. I have four kids( husband is deployed) and we all give him time and play. He gets 30 minutes(or more)a day from walks and then plays outside during the day with the kids. During my youngest daugthers naptime , I put him outside. He whines and whines.Should I get him another puppy to help entertain him? Or, as he gets older he will calm down ?He is just to energtic, no matter how much attention he gets it is not enough.Her old home had a lot of other puppys to play with.

We have an older cat,but she is not very friendly towards him.
I am just very hasten to get another animal(maybe to overwelming).
47 answers:
2008-06-24 10:42:40 UTC
keep the one u got, it seems like he likes you guys a lot.
2008-06-24 10:50:21 UTC
Hi there.

Yes, he will calm down as he gets older, but you don't say how old he is. Labs are very slow to mature and don't tend to calm down until they are 2 or 3 years old.

I suggest that you do not get a puppy at this moment in time. You should wait until your current dog is fully grown and trained. While they would most certainly keep each other company, the puppy would look up to and mimic your older dogs behaviour. If your older dog has bad habits (barking, whining, attention seeking, etc.) the puppy would quickly pick up on those. If you wait until your current dog is trained, your future puppy will have a good role model.

Labs are a demanding breed. They are very social and want to be with their people at all times. Shutting them away from the action whether that be outside or in a crate is hard from them. It is easy to shut them away, but in reality if they are shut away they will never learn to behave themselves when we require it. You don't have to be engaging with him at all times, but you can and should train him to sit quietly. Teaching him a 'place' command, such as 'ON YOUR BED!' is an excellent idea.

A well structured routine would not go amiss, either. Young dogs thrive on routine. You are already walking him daily which is great, so perhaps you could add a few short (5 minute) training sessions into your routine? that will give you a chance to work on commands that you can employ in the house when you want some down time. Commands like the 'ON YOUR BED!', sit and down stays, etc.

Good luck!
2008-06-24 10:43:22 UTC
You are right to be hesitant about another dog, it's a lot of work. And there's no guarantee that BOTH dogs wouldn't be at the door whining during nap time.

Are you able to interact with the dog in the house while your kids are resting? Dogs are simple, just having the puppy on a leash attached to your belt while you do housework, etc, is interaction for your dog. This would be a great experience for him to learn the down stay as well.

Your dog is whining because he was banished away from his pack - you and your kids - not because he wants another puppy to play with.
2008-06-24 10:46:02 UTC
If you can handle another puppy and you would like one, I would say go ahead and get it so your puppy has a friend to play with when the kids aren't around to play with especially as your kids get older and start playing and doing things away from home.

However, if a new puppy would be a hardship, I think your dog will be okay once he get use to being outside while the kids nap. He might even come to like it and use it as a rest period when the kids are especially rowdy. I hope this helps : )
Kris L
2008-06-24 10:45:22 UTC
If the puppy is whining outside, LET HIM IN. He probably wants a nap, too! Just make sure that he's let out immediately after he wakes up, so he doesn't 'go' indoors ... your dog doesn't need another puppy, just a more understanding owner. Puppies need long afternoon naps, too! If you are lying down (and you should do this, too) the puppy will lie down, too ... you are the 'alpha dog' and it's up to you to teach your puppy ... another puppy will just make your life much harder, and also that of BOTH puppies!
Nekkid Truth!
2008-06-24 10:52:02 UTC
If you are concerned about being overwhelmed, then it may be best to wait.

He is whining because he wants to be inside with the family. Perhaps the older kids can play with him during her nap-time.. or he may even want to snuggle down for a nap too.

He will calm down as he matures.. puppies like to play. Labs expecially are energetic dogs. Its good that he is getting walks and play time with the kids tho.
2008-06-24 10:46:43 UTC
I think you should get another dog, but one who'll grow to be a little smaller than a lab. This way you won't have to really big dogs running around. Labs will also calm as they grow older. I personally have a lab myself, and she is still a puppy and is VERY hyper, but I have a pug that she plays with all the time to keep her busy. I wouldn't recomend getting a dog that much smaller than an adult lab, because their play gets more and more agresive as they grow (with other dogs) and you don't want you big lab to hurt a smaller one. I say get another puppy.
2008-06-24 10:45:23 UTC
If he has any Lab in him, he's going to be a major bundle of energy, pretty much til he grows old. Sometimes having a dog spay or neutered helps but not a lot in the case of Labs. But they are such great, loyal, lovable dogs that are great with kids. If you can squeeze anymore play or walking time in that could help, anything to wear him out a's just hard to wear down these energetic balls of fluff.
2008-06-24 11:00:12 UTC
If you think you can handle another dog, go ahead and get another one. Make sure the two dogs are compatible though. I have heard that labs are good with other dogs. If you don't think you can handle another, wait. Possibly consider disciplining the dog more so that he is not as crazy. He will become calmer as he gets older.
2008-06-24 10:47:54 UTC
Yes, I would recommend a playmate for your puppy. I had the same problem, I did get another puppy and it was so enjoyable to watch them play with each other throughout the years. I will always have 2 together like that from now on. Good luck and have fun!.
2008-06-24 10:48:25 UTC
I wouldn't get another dog since your husband is in the military, it could be hard to relocate if you have a lot of dogs. Do you have a neighbor dog that could have a play date with your dog, or take it to a doggie park. I think he will calm down as he gets older.
2008-06-24 10:45:23 UTC
if you can can keep care of another puppy than the puppy would have a grand time playing with him. but puppies are very hard to deal with, and two would be even worse. i suggest getting an active adult (4 years or more) or seinior to play with the puppy. That way, you dont tear your hair out trying to take care of two puppies and your puppy has a playing compainion so you dont have to deal with him all the time
2008-06-24 10:43:32 UTC
If you think one is too much then don't get another. If he is still a puppy he will calm down soon. They're just like kids love to run around and be wild when they're young but calm down once they get older! =)
2008-06-24 10:49:15 UTC
I don't think another dog will work. You will than have 2 dogs runing around driving you nuts. He will calm down you just have to be patient and wait.

Your dog may be over stimulated, like a baby that is over tired and gets cranky. Maybe your dog just gets more excited.
2008-06-24 10:45:07 UTC
I think that if you think you should get another puppy, you should get one, I sometimes take care of a dog in my neighborhood, and he is way, way to energetic, and I think that another animal would help. But the choice is really up to you, and i am sure you do not do this, but no matter what do not ever hurt your animals wether they are being bad or super energetic, you can scold them if they do something bad, but do not hurt them. Also, long walks sometimes helps because sometimes that makes them more sleepy, but it can also give them more energy, like I said the choice is yours.
2008-06-24 10:46:08 UTC
i think that you should get another dog because the two dogs will get along and they will have a lot of fun together. they will not wine because they will want to play outside the whole day. you just have to make sure that each dog gets equal attention or one dog might feel left out or lonely.
2008-06-24 10:44:08 UTC
Well if you like dogs you should get a dog. But if you think one is enough trouble so far, you should wait. i dont think you need another puppy to entertain him, maybe you should have a chore that is to keep him company.
2008-06-24 10:44:31 UTC
Your puppy is young and just learning. He should probably have another dog to keep him entertained so it dosn't leave to much of that on your hands. You should try and make some type of schedule for your dog. certain times for certain things you know.

but another dog would be a good idea

good luck(:
2008-06-24 10:44:00 UTC
Yes all dogs need to have someone to play with. When you put him outside he cant play with anyone, if you get him a friend they will always play together.

Either that or they will both whine.
2008-06-24 10:42:36 UTC
Yeah, I think dogs enjoy another dogs company. Especially since he's a pup. Awww I want a lab mix soooo bad. We're waiting to get a house soon and then I'm going to get one from the pound. Good luck!
Smile Baby :]
2008-06-24 10:48:09 UTC
The puppy is energetic because it's young! Just like children. [well some] I think you should get another puppy, to keep company with one another. I think he whines because the puppy feels lonely.
2008-06-24 10:45:09 UTC
It would be nice to get another dog they like the company to play and if there alone...But if you don't have the energy for another or really don't want one there are other ways to get your dog to calm down if you have a regular walking schedule and play schedule! -But I think you should get another dog, they really like it!-
2008-06-24 10:43:32 UTC
with the economy looking not so good and a large family do not get another dog. there will only be more problems for you and yopur family. can yo uafford more dog food and trips to the vet. since it is just you for now you will get overwhelmed.
2008-06-24 10:44:20 UTC
Yes getting another dog will give him more to play with.

You can give him the attention he wants but when you need to put him outside he will still have a buddy there with him.

But also with age he will calm down.

So you just need to decide if you want to wait that long or if you want to add another family member. It will be more work but if your a pet lover it will be worth it.

I personally always get animals in twos. they just seem so lonely when i don't have time to pay attention to them.

but its you choice.
2008-06-24 10:44:14 UTC
he's a puppy thats what they do. Getting sanother one is good for the dog but if you have no time for the one you have now I don't reccomend you get a second dog.
Crystal R
2008-06-24 10:44:08 UTC
Dogs are like kids themselves. Do you think you can handle having two at the same time?
2008-06-24 10:42:44 UTC
I would say get another one, but with 4 kids and 2 dogs its guna be crazy in that house hold...they both will just whine at the door...thats how dogs are, they want human contact.
2008-06-24 10:43:20 UTC
labs are balls of energy, I'd say hold off on the 2nd dog simply b/c it sounds like you have enough going on. He'll be fine especially when he gets older.
2008-06-24 10:45:24 UTC
u should get another puppy

but only if you think u can handle it

i have two dogs and they grew up together

i got them both when they were two month

and now there two years

they are the best of friends too

and hate to be seperated
2008-06-24 10:44:17 UTC
i would get a puppy of the opposite gender that is fixed. i have 3 dogs and things get wilder than u think
2008-06-24 10:43:14 UTC
yeah try getting another puppy to play with the current one you already have.( That is if your ready for the extra work.)
2008-06-24 10:43:37 UTC
don't get another puppy that will just make him more hyper just wait it out till hes older he will be more calm then
2008-06-24 10:43:37 UTC
you already have lots of kids and two pets so another dog'll probably be a lot to handle. once he gets older he'll probably calm down
2008-06-24 10:44:00 UTC
sure, if you think you have the time and resources for another dog, then by all means get one! maybe you shouldn't jump into it, though...he'll probably settle down some as he gets older and more accustomed to living with you.
Babi Mya
2008-06-24 10:42:36 UTC
When he gets older... he will calm down, but I would reccomend another dog to keep him company... for now, but you will learn to love him and end up keeping him longer!
Cmdr. Bocanegra
2008-06-24 10:43:49 UTC
you need a smaller dog....big and small dogs can get along rather well....I know from experience from 5 dogs....2 big dogs and 3 little ones
2008-06-24 10:43:36 UTC
you should get another dog but one who is a little calmer. you're right another energetic one could be overwhelming, but a calm one would be perfect.
2008-06-24 10:47:09 UTC
Have you tried obiediance training?
Andy B
2008-06-24 10:43:12 UTC
2008-06-24 10:43:19 UTC
no dont get a new dog
2008-06-24 10:41:43 UTC
You should get another dog.
Tiff C.
2008-06-24 10:43:27 UTC
yes you should get another dog so he can have a pal
2008-06-24 10:41:43 UTC
Get him another one.
2008-06-24 10:41:41 UTC
sure why not..the more the merrier! lol i def would, but if you feel like it would be too much pressure, then i guess not.
Mega gohan X4321
2008-06-24 10:42:54 UTC
2008-06-24 10:42:50 UTC
2008-06-24 10:41:49 UTC
i think u should get ten... they should all be great danes!

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