My city just put a ban on pit bulls, how do we reverse the decision?
2006-06-24 22:37:36 UTC
The city council here just placed HUGE restrictions on pit bulls AFTER the public expressed extremely one-sided opposition. When we petitioned, almost two-thirds of the signatures were ignored. The law takes effect in October, so we have until then to reverse the decision. Any ideas will help.
Fourteen answers:
2006-06-24 22:39:34 UTC
You have the right to petition according to your first ammendment. If that fails, like you said, use your other rights. Speak out. Your words matter!
2006-06-28 21:46:25 UTC
I really hate to say this, and I know how you feel, but there's not a lot of honest options against breed-specific legislation (BSL). Assuming buckling under this outrageous ban is not an option, and all the Pit Bulls in your city are verified as such, then the outlook is bleak. You know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, and the people who signed your petition know it's wrong.

Where I used to live there was also a breed ban against Pit Bulls, but my dog was registered as a "boxer mix" by the Humane Society. There's always the "Pit Bulls are not a pure breed" argument, but since Pit Bulls are a pure breed according to the UKC and anyone who owns a Pittie, that's out.

All I can say is, be stubborn like the dogs you are trying to protect. Petition again, publicly protest, anything legal to tell your city that this is wrong. Bug those who approved of the ban until they give in, and never give up hope. God bless you and all the dogs in your city.

Also, as gothicmidnight pointed out, people who fight dogs won't be slowed down by another law.
2006-06-25 06:07:06 UTC
Not too much hope here for pit bulls winning. You best read the following legal battle in Denver and all the appeal results.

The problem lies will all those owners who raised dangerous dogs for fighting, and all those pit bull owners who did not realize just how dangerous, even a normally friendly pit bull can be without a strict regimen of obedience training that would prevent the dog from being a menace.

I am not against pit bulls, I happen to like them. I am against owners who never train their dogs (all breeds) and people who fight their dogs, or raise them to be vicious in order to guard property (i.e., junk yard dog).

It will take a lot of work to gain public confidence for this beautiful animal.

P.S. for rvogelpohl2001 and danjelho. The pit bull is no more dangerous than any other dog in initiating an attack. They can however, cause more damage than most dogs once an attack begins. Actually, for initiating an attack, usually for no apparent reason, the toy breeds are the worst. This animal takes a special kind of person for an owner, a person willing to make sure the animal is well trained and socialized. This entire problem is not the fault of the dogs, but of the people and what they have done and not done with these dogs.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is the breed most people think of as the pit bull. They are in fact, a wonderful dog. I lived with one and I know.

"The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, which is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be willful and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppy hood. For the most part they are very friendly, but not recommended for most people. Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play."
2006-06-25 22:38:11 UTC
The CDC as come out against breed banning because it dose not work. One pit bulls are rank forth from the bottom in attacking humans. People who fight pits don't mind breaking another law to keep them. The ASPCA study as shown that people who train for and fight dogs just go to other big breeds to use. Give your city something else to do. A dangerous dog law covers all dogs. It punish the owners of dogs that act out in a dangerous way. It also gives harsher punishments to people who let their dogs run loose or just dumps a dog because they don't want it any more. These two action causes more attacks than any other. People should be punished for their actions that leads to dog attacks. There is another woman on this forum that as actively help people with your problem. I think her email is I know she will help she is passionate on this topic
2006-06-25 05:51:55 UTC
Consult legal counsel. You should be able to prove in court the correct number of valid signatures if you had them.

It's not going to reduce dog fighting. They'll just use boxers or some other breed. They should probably instead have instated a commissioned ASPCA task force to crack down on dogfighting.

If dogfights aren't a problem in your community, there is no reason to ban these animals because they train well, are excellent with children, make terriffic guard dogs, and are one of the more stable breeds mentally/emotionally. If it's a community concern about attacks, they should ban Dalmations & Chow Chows.
2006-06-25 17:24:29 UTC
Join the yahoo group pet-law. There are many knowledgable people there and you can learn to help fight anti-dog legislation.

Suggest and ENFORCE a leash law, that will actually work.

To the poster who suggested contacting peta - LOL!!! The 'animal rights' groups are not at all about helping animals, ESPECIALLY peta (who euths 85% of there 'rescues')! It is about ending all domesticated animals and animal usage including meat/leather. These groups are PUSHING anti-dog laws while feeding you the phony we love animals crap to get donations. HSUS, Peta, DDAL, IDA, and many more or NOT animal welfare groups at all, but groups that want to stop you from having any animals at all.

BTW, more kids are killed by their PARENTS than PBs every year. You have a greater chance of getting hit by lightening than killed by a dog. Maybe parents should be outlawed....

Be careful with dangerous dog laws as well. In my area, my dog would be considered dangerous if she chased a kid on a bike. If my dog were to get loose and chase a bike (mine wouldn't but many dogs would) they can legally shoot her. They can also legally shoot her if they *think* she *looks* dangerous. And how do we know they are qualifyed to make that judgment? They have to take a beginners obedience class with an already trained dog. After teaching obedience for 25 years I know how little most people still know after an 8 week session. I am obsessive about locking my gates for fear of what might happen should they ever get out. At the very least my show/performance dogs would come back spayed, at most shot dead in the street.
raven blackwing
2006-06-25 09:01:08 UTC
I have been helping other people out by gathering information and videos. Did you know thatI n World War I, a pit bull named Stubby captured the heart of the nation. Stubby was the unofficial mascot of the 102nd Infantry Division and was credited with saving the lives of several of his human comrades. For his valiant service, Stubby won several medals and was even awarded the rank of sergeant! He came home from the war to a hero's welcome and went on to become the mascot for Georgetown University. Here are some web sites that might help

the last one as more than one good video. Some of these videos will make you cry.

Please if I can help emial me ;
2006-06-25 09:08:54 UTC
I used this site to prove to city officals that most people do not know what pits look like and reports of pit attackes most people think becasue the dog was mean and big and attacked someone they were pits. Here is that site;
2006-06-25 05:45:05 UTC
There's a TOTAL BAN of new-born pit bulls in my area because of a few recent, gruesome attacks against humans.

The best thing I can suggest is to motivate the public in your area to support AGAINST the ban, and bring it to the attention of your local politicians.
2006-06-25 05:48:21 UTC
With all due respect, Pit Bulls are very dangerous. I know they say they are only as dangerous as their owner makes them but, that is not true. It's in their instincts to attack. That is why they are being banned.

I wish you luck on keeping your pet, I feel for you. Truly.

But, I would not get your hopes too high.

Did you make sure your signatures were verifiable?

That may have something to do with them being ignored.
2006-06-25 16:45:41 UTC
dont reverse decision, put them all down
2006-06-25 05:44:32 UTC
so, how many children do you want to see maimed or killed before a ban will be OK with you???
2006-06-25 05:40:35 UTC
You should notify PETA about this.
Julie Ann F
2006-06-25 05:42:47 UTC
WTF. Can they do that? I would write to your senator! This is an outrage and dog discrimination! PLEASE TELL ME HOW THIS TURNS OUT!

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