Not too much hope here for pit bulls winning. You best read the following legal battle in Denver and all the appeal results.
The problem lies will all those owners who raised dangerous dogs for fighting, and all those pit bull owners who did not realize just how dangerous, even a normally friendly pit bull can be without a strict regimen of obedience training that would prevent the dog from being a menace.
I am not against pit bulls, I happen to like them. I am against owners who never train their dogs (all breeds) and people who fight their dogs, or raise them to be vicious in order to guard property (i.e., junk yard dog).
It will take a lot of work to gain public confidence for this beautiful animal.
P.S. for rvogelpohl2001 and danjelho. The pit bull is no more dangerous than any other dog in initiating an attack. They can however, cause more damage than most dogs once an attack begins. Actually, for initiating an attack, usually for no apparent reason, the toy breeds are the worst. This animal takes a special kind of person for an owner, a person willing to make sure the animal is well trained and socialized. This entire problem is not the fault of the dogs, but of the people and what they have done and not done with these dogs.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is the breed most people think of as the pit bull. They are in fact, a wonderful dog. I lived with one and I know.
"The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, which is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay. The American Pit Bull Terrier can be willful and needs a firm hand. They are generally okay with other pets if they are raised with them from puppy hood. For the most part they are very friendly, but not recommended for most people. Excellent with children in the family, they have a high pain tolerance and will happily put up with rough child play."