● "Should I take the dog I adopted back?"
How the HELL did you get a dog from any dog-rescue organisation?
And that IS what "I adopted" means - not bought from a scam-artist!
I suspect that most dog pounds would have ruled you out - UNLESS you told them that your mother WANTED a dog AND that she was a homebody. No way were you honest enough to tell such as the SPCA that you are away from home for MORE than 11± hours a day (9 hours AT work from 5:30am to 2:30pm, plus probably 2 hours a day travel to & from work).
I agree 100% with [Jojo]'s last sentence!
NOBODY - definitely including YOU - should be allowed a pooch unless they have arranged to stay home 24/7 for at least the first fortnight.
Take INSTANT leave, or return the dog plus make a substantial donation for messing up the "shelter"s expectation for this pup.
And 5 months is FAR too young to neuter a pooch. It suits vets, requiring much less cutting & stitching, plus incisions heal quickly while the dog is still growing rapidly. But until the gonads have sent their chemical signal to tell the growth plates in the leg-bones to STOP increasing their length, there is a risk of the bones shutting down at a variety of unsynchronised times, with the results that the bones at each joint do NOT fit together smoothly & properly - the long term consequence being arthritis or dysplasia. I consider that no pooch should be neutered before 15 months - DEFINITELY not before 10 months old.
● "When i put him in the kennel he cries and whines FOREVER."
I VERY much doubt that you have supplied him with a KENNEL. My dogs' kennels are each 12 feet long and have a 4 feet long raised sleeping box past that at the end. Plenty of room to piddle-poo without having to lie in it; plus room for a large water dish. And there are airborne scents & sounds to interest the dog - especially when children use the walkway 40 feet north of the nearest kennel - and birds peck in the grass beside the pens.
I'll bet that you have supplied only a CRATE.
Like many others (include actual dogs), I consider crates suitable only for travel and for very short-term safety. And they must be big enough for the pooch to stretch its muscles and lie with its legs stretched out full-length. 11± hours in a row is NOT "short-term"!
Think how YOU would feel if locked in a wardrobe for 11 hours a day!
● "my mom doesn’t want him to be able to run around the house unattended since he isn’t potty trained yet."
Which is why he needs YOU home to DO that house-training (have you n it noticed that dogs do NOT use a "potty"?). If you keep him, forget the cellphone, computer, tv - while he is awake YOU need to concentrate on HIM 100% until he is properly & reliably house-trained.
● "I’m concerned about leaving him in a kennel with his e collar on for 8 hours."
GEEZ, kid! Where DO you get your STUPID ideas from? (And your lousy arithmetic- 8 hours is NOT the time you are absent for.)
Or are you just another of the trolls that Y!A can't be bothered tracking down & banning?
Despite the many many lazy idiots who think that a dog is a battery-operated robot like:
there are VERY few situations in which an e-collar is justified. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for leaving its prongs digging into the pup's neck while you are NOT THERE TRAINING IT.
● "The kennel ... has ... a little area where i places a pee pad just Incase he has to go when I’m not home to take him out. Is this okay?"
When did you TRAIN him to use a pee-pad?
Do you even know HOW to train a pup to use something as artificial as a pee-pad? I have never, and never will, buy one.
A pooch in a genuine KENNEL doesn't need pee-pads - it can piddle-poo on the smooth concrete floor of the kennel's run, then decide whether to go into the shade of its sleeping box or stay out in the sunshine.
● "taking care of him and loving him isn’t the problem"
WRONG - those are EXACTLY the problem:
👿 You are NOT THERE to look after him when he has needs for company, exercise, a game, grooming, mental STIMULATION, toileting, TRAINING. 💀 You are UNAVAILABLE for at least 19 hours a day.
🤢 I'll bet you aren't even booked in to a weekly training group to start as soon as his scrotum heals! Only in a class can YOU get coached to become aware of your dog's feelings, intentions, needs and how to get him to obey your wishes WITHOUT you shocking him into muscular paralysis.
● "I don’t want to give the dog back after he’s experienced living with a human who will take care of him"
Which human would that be? YOU didn't even care enough to take a fortnight's holiday to be with him while he was "learning the people" and the "house rules".
You haven't been RESPONSIBLE to this pup. And nor has whoever let you have it.
🤯 You haven't even acted responsibly to the people who attempted to help you in Y!A: In the last THREE YEARS you have not chosen ANY Best Answers. You don't have to LIKE what people tell you - the important thing is that it be BEST at trying help you with a TRUTHFUL answer. And if there hasn't been any such answer inside a fortnight then the fault lies in the way you ASKED the question - so delete that question and lose the points that that "costs" you. Whereas awarding a Best Answer returns 3 points to you.
King Les The Lofty - first pup in 1950; GSD breeder & trainer as of 1968