It more than just cropping with great danes i believe they have to put stands inside the ear to train whats left of a tall ear to stand up pointing.
Basics of the surgery
The average price for a Great Dane ear cropping is about $250-$350 dollars if performed by a Veterinarian. Cost will vary per your geographic location. We've learned of the procedure costing as little as $75-dollars when performed by a breeder! Be careful, don't make such a critical decision based on a few hundred bucks.
Ears are typically cropped between 7 and 10 weeks of age, if your Great Dane is older than 12 weeks, it's almost too late. Finding a Vet to perform the crop at this age will be very difficult!
General anesthesia is used to sedate the pup allowing the surgeon to remove over 1/2 of the dog's ear. The ears are either taped-up with medical dressing, or held in place with foam and glue after the surgery. In about 8 to 10-days, the stitches are removed. The Vet will now tape your dog's ears rigidly, in an upright position.
You will now be responsible to clean, tape, and re-tape your Dane's ears for about 6 months on average. If you can't commit to caring for your Dane's ears, we recommend to leave them natural. Improper care and taping could ruin a magnificent Dane leaving it with floppy, bent, twisted and disfigured ears.