ear cropping in great dane?
neeraj s
2008-05-05 01:45:37 UTC
hi i have 2 n half months old great dane puppy. i want to crop my great dane ear besause i don't like those dogs which had hanging what is the correct time so i can crop my dog vet said me it can also done when the puppy is four months old and also how much time it take to stand ears.
Fourteen answers:
2008-05-05 02:31:00 UTC
2 1/2 months is a little old... we usually do it around 6 to 8 weeks...if your dog is close to turning 3 months.. it will be extra painful and it might not turn out how you like... just love your pup the way he is... better luck next time.. sorry.. but i hope this helps..
2008-05-09 00:44:15 UTC
In my opinion, it is too late now to crop your Danes ears. 4 months is absolutely too late! All but one of my Danes were cropped at 8 weeks, which was cropped at 10 weeks. I was never able to get his ears to completely stand. Of course, I had a show crop done which is longer and more difficult to get to stand. A lot of people that do not show their dogs, but still like the look of a cropped ear, will opt for a shorter crop.

Please also keep in mind that my 14 month old Dane is still in tapes. Yes, I've been taping her ears for a year. If you're not willing to commit the time to tape, don't bother cropping the ears. There is nothing more senseless than putting your puppy through the surgery and then not performing the proper aftercare. Even a short crop can take several months of taping to stand.

I'm not trying to be rude, but the time to research ear cropping was before you got your puppy. There is a very short window for cropping. Ear cropping is an art form. Very few vets do it, and even fewer do it correctly. Just because a vet has cropped a boxer does not mean that your Danes crop will look nice. I am also curious why you got a Dane if you don't like the look of drop ears, but I guess that's not really the issue at hand.

Good luck!
2016-05-27 14:04:11 UTC
You can't crop adult ears -- they won't stand. Here's how it works. You crop between 7 and 12 weeks. I prefer on the earlier side, as the ears are smaller and far less vascular (less bleeding). A vet knows which anesthetics are safe for young pups. The ears are cropped and posted -- never "bandaged" although it may look that way. When the ears are newly cropped they are put up on a cap so that the cut edges are exposed to the air to heal. It doesn't take long -- 7-10 days. Once the edges heal up the real work of posting begins. Those ears need to be kept up. There are many methods, from rolled paper, foam posts, and a special wrap of masking tape with no posts. All depends on your mentor and the method they think is best. With a dane you might post for several months to a year. As the pup matures, the ear cartilage gets more firm -- this holds the ear up. If the ears are down during this process, they get firm in the down position and will not stand. Many people are against cropping (an optional surgery) but for spay/neuter (a far more dangerous and invasive optional surgery). I find this position to be inconsistent. Cropping is a quick, simple and safe procedure when done by a vet.
2008-05-05 05:16:48 UTC
Dogs usually do just fine with ear crops and don't know anything was even done. They are given pain medication as well. Not to say I'm for or against it, just stating what I have witnessed.

Like someone else said, all Vet's have their preferred time. Call your Vet and find out. The younger the pup, usually the more guarantee the ears will stand.
2008-05-05 02:05:34 UTC
It more than just cropping with great danes i believe they have to put stands inside the ear to train whats left of a tall ear to stand up pointing.

Basics of the surgery

The average price for a Great Dane ear cropping is about $250-$350 dollars if performed by a Veterinarian. Cost will vary per your geographic location. We've learned of the procedure costing as little as $75-dollars when performed by a breeder! Be careful, don't make such a critical decision based on a few hundred bucks.

Ears are typically cropped between 7 and 10 weeks of age, if your Great Dane is older than 12 weeks, it's almost too late. Finding a Vet to perform the crop at this age will be very difficult!

General anesthesia is used to sedate the pup allowing the surgeon to remove over 1/2 of the dog's ear. The ears are either taped-up with medical dressing, or held in place with foam and glue after the surgery. In about 8 to 10-days, the stitches are removed. The Vet will now tape your dog's ears rigidly, in an upright position.

You will now be responsible to clean, tape, and re-tape your Dane's ears for about 6 months on average. If you can't commit to caring for your Dane's ears, we recommend to leave them natural. Improper care and taping could ruin a magnificent Dane leaving it with floppy, bent, twisted and disfigured ears.
2008-05-05 12:53:37 UTC
Four months old is too long to wait. A couple of recommendations - do the laser cropping if you can, it's faster, more reliable, heals faster and from everything I have seen from fellow owners - ears stand faster. Be religious in "Posting" of the ears, do not think you are giving the ears a rest, every day the ears are not posted you just added at least a week to needing them posted. Your pups ears may be standing on their own in two months time depending on how long it takes for the cartiledge (sp?) to harden. AKC standards no longer require cropped ears for showing, however it is preferred amongst many enthusiasts for the look, the ease of cleaning, and it prevents ear tip breakage which is common in dogs this powerful.
Kristin B ©
2008-05-05 02:14:44 UTC
Every veterinarian prefers a certain time, however, average ages are between 7-14 weeks.

You should start calling veterinarians who actually do this procedure and schedule an appointment soon.

4 months is a little old. Cropping an ear and training teaches the cartilidge to stand a particular way, but 4 months of age, you have an extremely small window for training.
2008-05-05 01:52:20 UTC
every vet has thier "best time" but i would go ahead and get them done.

The catilage will began to take shape and you want this to occur when the ears are cliped to stand errect.

also the puppy is less active now then it will be at 4 months..i.e. pulled stitches.

get em done in the near future. YOu can use nurf darts and surg. tape if they are not standing right after the clip.
2008-05-05 01:52:13 UTC
Optimally you shouldn't do it at all, it causes great pain to the dog. You should have gotten a dog with naturally pointy ears if you wanted it so badly.

But if you really have to do it... then the earlier the better. Four months might be too late.
2008-05-05 02:09:42 UTC
You shouldn't crop your dog's ears. It's painful and it's cruel. There is absolutely NO guarantee they will stand. Leave him alone with the ears he was born with. You'll be a hero and respected dog advocate and your dog will look super cool.
2008-05-05 01:55:54 UTC
everyone, its also by akc standards. & it's not mutilation. your dog should be able to be ear cropped by now.
Sarah W
2008-05-05 01:51:24 UTC
You want to mutilate your dogs ears because you don't like the way they look?

You shouldn't own a dog. Ever. Or any other animal for that matter.
2008-05-05 01:52:24 UTC
just because you dont like it doenst mean you have to put your dog through it!

Ring your vet and ask when the best time is to have it dont if you must.
2008-05-05 02:00:32 UTC
why would you want to do that Great Dane,s are beautiful the way they are


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