As others have said, Siberian Huskies are not breed for everyone. They can be "hyper", if you don't exercise them properly. They can be destructive and noisy if they are bored and under-exercised. They can NEVER, EVER be allowed off-lead or loose in an unfenced yard. They will run, and they will ignore you when you call them.
They will kill smaller animals, including cats, especially if not raised with them. If your cat isn't willing to give your Siberian puppy a good smacking while it's still young and impressionable, it could grow up thinking your cat is a chew toy.
The Siberians in the UK tend to be racier, leggier, with less coat. Coat and eye color are unimportant to a Siberian's job, and you should avoid any "breeder" who breeds only for color, or "specializes" in a color.
They can adjust to heat, if allowed to snooze in the shade during the hottest parts of the day.
Not sure about pricing or locations of good breeders, as I'm in the USA. Hopefully someone from the UK can steer you in the right direction. Your best bet is to talk to a responsible breeder about the pros and cons of the breed before committing to getting a Siberian.
Here's a link to some more info on the breed, which might help:
Good luck in your decision!
ADDED: Siberians are incredibly intelligent dogs who learn quickly, but can be considered "hard to train" by people who are used to more "people-oriented" breeds. Siberians are independent thinkers, and have to have a reason to do what you ask. A treat is usually a good enough reason. :) "Because I said so" is not.
Not sure where the idea came from about Siberians going to the vet a lot. A well-bred Siberian is a very healthy dog. Be sure to buy only from a breeder who does genetic testing.