People fear what they do not know. They base their opinions on popular myths rather than scientific data and fact about a breed. Because of the unwarranted focus on APBT's by breed (actually, not even APBT's many of the times but "pit bull" or "pit bull type" which aren't even breeds by themselves) and they base their opinions, believing them to be facts because of what they have heard or what a friend of theirs heard/saw/ etc.
I used to think they were a breed of dog that was not very bright and that was unpredictable. Boy was I wrong. I got a orphaned baby APBT to bottle feed and ended up keeping her and she is sooo smart and was the easiest to train of the three dogs I own. She was the biggest challenge to train while teething, but before that and after that, she was a breeze to train. She is a strong dog and can get distracted when out and so I had to work A LOT with her on a leash and with sit, down, come, stay, leave it- basic commands. She completely changed my mind about the breed. Rather than watch only the stories that are often mis-reported and over-reported..oftentimes not even APBT or APBT mix but referred to as "pit bull" "pit bull kills" "pit bull mauls"- people need to get to know the breed HANDS ON.
Many people fear my dog without even getting to know her and that is sad because she is so SAFE and so friendly! Since I got her, I have gotten to know many other owners of APBT's and not a single one has a dog that has ever bitten anyone or that isn't a great all-round dog!
I think if people that fear them would work with them at shelters and rescues, they'd be CHANGED for life when it comes to their opinion of the breed. But for those that refuse to even consider the truth about APBT's, they shouldn't be legislating what ADULT AMERICANS, or ADULT PEOPLE in "FREE" countries can own according to popular vote. That should be a person's choice as an adult and when a person proves to abuse or misuse or fail to train their dog then penalize that person- reasonably according to offense, and don't penalize the breed.
Edit: And I agree with D-Diddy, I might get ANOTHER one!