Why do people put down Pit Bulls?
Koter Boters misses Rufus!
2007-12-25 20:55:41 UTC
I read an answer just a minute ago and someone said they would never own one because they are aggressive. I must disagree. Dogs don't get aggressive by themself. Its not the breeds fault its owners who don't train them and treat them badly to where they become aggressive.

I love all dogs even tough I have never had a Pit bull but I used to work at a vet and 3 got loose by the vet's house and they were so sweet.
21 answers:
2007-12-25 20:58:53 UTC
Thats a good point, I might get one!
2007-12-26 10:37:20 UTC
Dogs are not born aggressive. People make them that way.

It is horrible that because of bad incident(s) with a few bad dogs that an entire breed must suffer. Breed bans are NOT the answer. As we all know, just because it is a law does not mean it will be followed. Citizens break the law every day (esp. behind the wheel of a car). Before anymore laws and ordinances are written or discussed, the current laws should be enforced on a regular basis regarding animal cruelty and assault. If a citizen owns a dog that is aggressive and does not keep it (at all costs) from other living begins and something happens, the person should be charged according to the current laws.

On a somewhat happier note: I read in an AP article that all, except for one, of the dogs that were seized at Michael Vikes property in Virgina are going to be able to be adopted to families or live in sancturary. To me, this is amazing!
Cavalier KCS mom
2007-12-26 05:33:15 UTC
All is true but the #1 reason for pit bulls having a tendancy to being aggressive is due to poor breeding. Back Yard Breeders breeding Pit Bulls with bad temperaments. If people were smart and bought a Pit Bull from a responsible show breeder that does health and temperament testing on their breeding stock then they would less likely have an aggressive dog problem.
Right Guard
2007-12-26 05:09:19 UTC
Unfortunately too many people who have them do enjoy either making them agressive or using that appearance, so the dog got a bad name. They are massive and extremely powerful, so when things have gone wrong with them (attacks) it has often been tragic - an unfortunate bi-product of strength whereas a lesser dog might not do the same harm.

These are unfortunate things that mostly relate to "image". I've known Pit Bulls to be quite gentle and affectionate, but they deserve the extra care of not being put in an agressive stance, i.e. chained in a threatening location - as they too often are due to their very nature.

The breed was specialized to do exactly what the name suggests - sometimes referred to as "Catch Dogs", they would chase a bull down in the pit and bring it to the ground by clamping onto its nose or a leg, usually in pairs or more. That's a pretty sporty and robust challenge - so it's hard to fault people for being cautious about such a powerful breed.
2007-12-26 05:21:56 UTC
A lot of people say they would never own one due to aggression. I feared pitbulls because of all those stories that the media/my parents/ other people kept pumping out. A couple years ago, I met a pitbull that a lady had just managed to pick up off the streets and cared for for 1 year. That dog changed my entire point of view on the breed. He was the sweetest thing on earth. I also owned one. He was far from aggressive and people loved him. When I would take him to Petsmart, people, even kids, would come up to pet him and he would roll over to get his tummy rubbed. Any dog can be aggressive...if placed in the wrong hands. Media and ignorance seems to just give this breed such a bad rap that they don't deserve at all.
2007-12-26 05:03:46 UTC
Unfortunately, all too often Rots/Pit Bulls get all the bad press and never any good. Yes, their breed does not get aggressive on it's own and too many bad owners (Mike Vick) put them in a bad light. And accordingly, with bad press comes breed restrictions and the like. I have met very loving and dosile Rots/Pits. But I have also met aggressive ones too. If the owner doesn't treat them right they can become a handful and aggressive.

As a side note, I am going to be moving to Nevada in the next couple of months and I have found the most cities have Rots/Pit and German Shepherds as restricted breeds. So I agree that it is not fair. The lil fella to the left will be coming with me and I will find a place that will accept him.
2007-12-26 05:09:17 UTC
Pit bulls were bred to be tough. I don't blame behavior on the breed. It is the people that own the dog. I have seen chiwawas(i know i didn't spell it right,), that are agressive. People think its cute coming from a small dog. They want to blame it on the big dog. I love pit bulls. Yes they are a high powered breed. German shephards, dobermans, pit bulls, rottweilers, and any other dog, are not agressive because of the breed. That's like saying that someone has a temper cause their from ireland(just an example), it is all how the dogs are raised. but these breeds need someone who can take time and keep their behavior balanced. Watch the Dog Whisperer of the national geographic channel. A lot of his dogs are pits who have had agression. they are submissive. thats why a lot of dogs have been put to sleep because of agression. i'm not saying that i want people bit but people need to know dog behavior. so just watch cesar millan on the national geographic channel. everything he does, i can do with dogs. anyone can if they learn dog behavior.
Rover Fan
2007-12-26 05:19:36 UTC
Each individual breeds have certain characteristics that tend to stand out. Like my Doberman for instince, he likes to lean his head on people. It may be coincedence but I met another Dobie that does the same thing. Anyway, your right it is the owners fault for not properly training the dog or corrected bad behavior. I've never had a pitbull but if you have ever seen the dog whisperer he has about about 50 dogs that all live together freely in a huge fenced area. About 50% are pitbulls and they all get along. Thats proof enough for me that any dog can be taught to behave. Alot of people are afraid of pitbulls and would rather get rid of them then try to educate themselves.
Spartan Mike K
2007-12-26 05:12:40 UTC
Its sad, the biggest problem pit bulls have is the people that think they are trying to help them. These are the same people that say pit bulls are the same as any other breed. This is not true. Pit bulls are not the same as any other breed. They are strong willed dogs that have a strong prey drive. They are not reccomended for first time dog owners, or people that do not have the ability to be a strong leader. The same people that think they are helping them by saying they are no different from any other breed are the same people that are causing a inexperienced owner to buy one, and raise it incorrectly causing it to attack someones dog or bite someone and give it a bad name.
2007-12-26 05:14:35 UTC
People fear what they do not know. They base their opinions on popular myths rather than scientific data and fact about a breed. Because of the unwarranted focus on APBT's by breed (actually, not even APBT's many of the times but "pit bull" or "pit bull type" which aren't even breeds by themselves) and they base their opinions, believing them to be facts because of what they have heard or what a friend of theirs heard/saw/ etc.

I used to think they were a breed of dog that was not very bright and that was unpredictable. Boy was I wrong. I got a orphaned baby APBT to bottle feed and ended up keeping her and she is sooo smart and was the easiest to train of the three dogs I own. She was the biggest challenge to train while teething, but before that and after that, she was a breeze to train. She is a strong dog and can get distracted when out and so I had to work A LOT with her on a leash and with sit, down, come, stay, leave it- basic commands. She completely changed my mind about the breed. Rather than watch only the stories that are often mis-reported and over-reported..oftentimes not even APBT or APBT mix but referred to as "pit bull" "pit bull kills" "pit bull mauls"- people need to get to know the breed HANDS ON.

Many people fear my dog without even getting to know her and that is sad because she is so SAFE and so friendly! Since I got her, I have gotten to know many other owners of APBT's and not a single one has a dog that has ever bitten anyone or that isn't a great all-round dog!

I think if people that fear them would work with them at shelters and rescues, they'd be CHANGED for life when it comes to their opinion of the breed. But for those that refuse to even consider the truth about APBT's, they shouldn't be legislating what ADULT AMERICANS, or ADULT PEOPLE in "FREE" countries can own according to popular vote. That should be a person's choice as an adult and when a person proves to abuse or misuse or fail to train their dog then penalize that person- reasonably according to offense, and don't penalize the breed.

Edit: And I agree with D-Diddy, I might get ANOTHER one!
Rant & Rave
2007-12-26 05:03:07 UTC
my first full blooded breed dog was TJ, a pretty brown male pit.

he was my best buddy, yes he was aggressive but thats because when I was home alone, my jerk of a husband was gone, TJ protected me. He did not want anyone around me.

he was the nicest dog around unless a stranger came into our yard, be he never left our yard to attack, he minded and was very good, behaved, just the best

his father on the other hand, was 150 and raised to be mean, was on a chain that was big enough to hold a ship

not my dog, he was pampered and spoiled
2007-12-26 05:36:47 UTC
i love pitt bulls, and i HATE the "ban pits" thing going around...yes its the owners fault....anyone who disagree's is probably a bad owner themselfs. They have to be able to control them. I love Rotties too.

I tihnk of judging dogs like that on breeds, is like being a predujist(sp?).
2007-12-26 05:04:20 UTC
I think most of the people that put them down haven't actually had any experiences with them or have had a bad experience. All the ones I've met have been very sweet unless trained to be otherwise. They are an awesome breed.
2007-12-26 05:09:19 UTC
be careful posting anything about a pit...make sure you ASK a question in your statement...or be like me...and get violated 2x's...I love pits...they are very good dogs...they just have been known for the attacks and in the media more for a bad rep...they don't mention how people also get bitten by those yappy little dogs...
2007-12-26 05:01:10 UTC
people are afraid because they are strong dogs and have potential to be mean, and cause damage. that goes with anything people and animals. same with cars. if you give a hummer to an unexperienced driver you can bet something will go down because its such a powerful car. with any big dog you need a good trainer. well with any dog. big dogs are just a bigger risk because they have more power behind them. its truely just ignorant people that dont like them.
Dog Trainer
2007-12-26 05:21:46 UTC
You are absolutely right! A dog is a dog is a dog. An aggressive dog is one a human has messed up......
Dennis Fargo
2007-12-26 05:12:05 UTC
They are sweet except when trained to be mean. Unfortunately for some they stay mean even after special lessons to change them back to their good nature.
an awesome person
2007-12-26 05:01:51 UTC
Yes I agree. Any dog can be aggressive when its starved, beaten, fought and pumped up with drugs. And then people are all surprised when they eat peoples faces off. With good care, treatment, and training any dog can be a good dog.
♥ Blondie ♥
2007-12-26 05:52:13 UTC
Just from everything they hear..

it is all in how they are treated.. and raised from the very beginning..

but they do have locked jaws..

good luck..
2007-12-26 05:28:01 UTC
It's the reason that they are bred for. Poor dogs.
2007-12-26 11:02:25 UTC
people put down, and are scard of what they dont know thats why. i personaly think there the best dogs ever there so sweet

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