It's actually a very poorly written bill in regards to tying out a dog. According the bill, which has been passed, it is now illegal to tie out a dog for more than 3 hours. The way I read the bill, particularly section B, reads to me also, like it can be interpreted as a ban on choke and prong collars.
Now, the politician that has been instrumental in getting this poorly written lousy bill passed is actually a well known pitbull hater and HSUS supporter. He has previously tried to get pitbulls banned from NYC, now that that didn't work, this is his next step.
For those who don't get the connection between this law and Westminster Kennel Club dog show in NYC, most of the show leads are either choke chains or martingales, which depending on how you read this new law, bans.
Now, I highly doubt the Animal Control is going to be arresting a bunch of people at WKC because of the use of choke chains..or hauling in people off the street because they have a choke chain or prong on their dog.....that's just simply ridiculous and I'm sure they have better fish to fry.
Yes, there is movement that's trying to get WKC moved to Seacucus NJ. WKC brings a lot of money to NYC, to it's local hotels, restaurants, parking lots etc. and it would be a big loss. However, as a NY'er, I have no problem traveling to Seacucus for a dog show, the entry fees are cheaper and the parking is plenty and free.
As a side note, I am not opposed to training tools. I have no problem with the correct use of a prong, choke or electic collar and I don't think it should be left up tot he governmetn to tell me what kind of collar my dogs should be wearing. There's so much wrong with NYC right now, especially with our crooked politicians, I think they should spend their time on something more important, like jobs, education, taxes and tolls.
BTW, licensing fees have also gone up, particularly for intact dogs. Fees went up from $11.50 to $35.50 for an intact animal. So as of this year, I wll no longer be licensing my dogs. When they start inforcing licensing with the pitbulls in the projects, is when they will get their money. It's always the responsible owners that are penelized. Just as a side note, licensing fees used to support s/n in NYC and our local shelters. Now, our shelters will not even notify you if they've picked up your dog, they won't check to see it's micrchipped...nothing. So basically, we get no services for our money. 80% of all dogs in NYC are s/n'd. So "BYB'S" and puppymills is not a factor.