Unfortunately, biting typically continues through adolescence, and often slows down around the year mark with training. I assume by your question that he is biting out of excitement, not fear or anything else. If he bites even when he is not in "happy play," mode, that requires a different approach entirely and I strongly recommend considering a professional trainer's help.
If it is part of his play though, there are a few things you can try. First, how well does he know basic commands like sit or lay down? Will he follow them 100% of the time if you are in training mode? Will he follow them if you are in a more exciting place like a pet store or a park? Will he follow them if he is playing and overwhelmed? Work on those behaviors and work on "proofing" them (making sure he does them all the time, no matter what). You can use play as part of your reward system, a "sit" leads to a game of tug or the ball getting thrown. Work on them every day. Then, when he is biting, you can give him a command like sit and stay. He can't bite you if he is sitting.
Second, I recommend you train him to redirect himself to a toy. This has a few steps, but is related to the advice above. First, train him to pick up a toy and hold it. There are tutorials online for how to teach this if you aren't sure. Proof the command, make sure he will do it anywhere. Once he can pick up a toy at any point, start asking for it when he gets frantic and bite-y. He goes to bite, you tell him to get a toy. The toy is in his mouth, so he can't bite you. You can continue playing as reward. If you are consistent about telling him to get a toy every time he starts to look like he is going to bite, he will eventually associate the cue of "feel like biting" with the behavior "pick up a toy" and will do it himself, without you having to tell him.
It's kind of the same as teaching a small child how to manage their emotions, except that you can't sit down and explain to him why he should redirect himself. Instead, you just have to tell him to until he understands.
Best of luck!