2009-01-08 20:11:12 UTC
I socialized her while she was young, and still take her to the dog park. I let her off her leash and she plays with dogs of every size, age, breed and gender- never had a problem. But several times now in the past couple of weeks she has almost gotten into fights with other dogs while on a walk.
It started with an encounter with another femal pit bull on a busy street in my town. The owner was a homless man, and I did not know the dog. We stopped to talk to someone and the OTHER dog lashed out at her. I pulled her away without a problem and took her to a calmer place for her to settle down. Not an hour later, however, a lady walking her own female pit was approaching. Daisy wanted to meet her. The other womans dog seemed nonchalant about the idea but the woman insister her dog was friendly and let them meet. Once again, the dog must've felt it's space invaded and lashed out at my dog. I pulled her away again and took her home.
Neither of these times it didn't appear that Daisy was being aggressive-I pay very close attention to how she's behaving when she's out. But literally every time she's met another female dog on leash SHE has lashed out, and I think she's just got it in her head after those experiences that another female on leash means trouble. I took her to the park today and she was fine with the other dogs but I was still afraid something could happen so I took her home early( some of the other dogs seemed irritated by her enthusiasm, they were older and I didn't want them to nip and further scar her).
What do I do? I want her to be social and she really loves to play with the other dogs, I haven't been letting her meet other females on walks and I've even been just crossing the street when I see another dog. I'm almost ready to swear off meeting other dogs, but I would like to try to re-socialize Daisy first...or something...