Crates are used to confine the pup to his bed so he learns to "hold it" -- which is not something animals normally do. He won't want to sleep in his own waste, so he'll try to hold it until you let him out.
Put the crate in the busiest part of the house and talk to him all day. People should walk up to him, put fingers into the crate to be licked, then tell him, "I gotta go, you be good," and walk away. Sometimes they should leave the room, sometimes they should just occupy themselves elsewhere in the room. Sometimes someone could sit right by the crate and ignore him except to talk. Use his name often; drop him treats whenever he looks up at the sound of his name.
At his age, he needs to go outside to potty every hour, plus after every meal, drink, and play session. Keep a collar on him and put a leash on him when you take him out of the crate. Carry him outside and don't put him down until you're at the potty spot outside; if you cradle him in your arms on his back, he'll hold it as long as he can -- he won't want to pee on himself! :) Put him down, hold the end of the 6-ft leash, and just stand there. Be boring. Let him sniff around; when he squats, say, "Good boy! Hurry up, good boy!" The idea is to condition him to potty at the command "hurry up" -- which is easy to remember. Give him a yummy if tiny treat when he's done, and continue the praise. Walk around a little, letting him explore. He may pee again; more praise! Then, back into the house, back into the crate.
Nothing about this routine changes at bedtime except that you move his crate into your bedroom, next to your bed, so you can dangle a hand into the cage to reassure a lonely scared pup that he's not alone, you're still there. Puppies who cry through the night are either cold or lonely and scared; all three are easily addressed.
Obviously, "confining" a dog to part of a room does not address housetraining issues at all; it gives the pup the freedom to run over there and pee, over there to eat and drink, and over there to sleep. Not a helpful arrangement.
If you have to work and the pup will have to be left home alone, try this, or an arrangement like it: